Imagine, if you will, that we are standing in a science laboratory. In front of us is a large work table that has twelve beakers sitting on it arranged in an evenly spaced circle. The beakers are filled to about ¾ level with water. Into the room walks a Merlin like character, wearing a hooded cloak and carrying a container of twelve bottles of different colors of dye. Watching some strange clock-like contraption on the wall, he methodically makes his way around the circle of beakers adding drops of different colored dye. When complete, we can now see the beakers through a new lens, they are all filled with water, however, now they are distinguishable from each other due to their different colors.
Of note, numerous studies have revealed that color has an actual effect on alpha brain waves. In fact, as colors enter through the eye and travel to our brain, the brain releases a hormone affecting the emotions, mind, clarity and energy levels we experience. Remarkably, colors have a distinct frequency and vibration that are measured in wavelength. Red, for instance, has a longer wavelength than blue.
Back to the beakers. Let’s now use our imagination and instead of beakers let’s exchange them for twelve models the planet Mercury arranged in the same evenly spaced circle on our work table. Our wizard returns and this time he travels around the circle holding a stamping implement that contains the twelve signs of the zodiac. Meticulously he emblazons each Mercury with a different sacred symbol. This ceremonial process effects a profound change as to how the archetypal energies of Mercury manifest from that moment forward. Mercury now has twelve different faces.
In astrology, it is important to understand that Mercury represents our mind, communications, perceptions, ideas, and how we connect to our environment. Mercury symbolizes our discriminatory processes and all things cognitive. Mercury, one might say, is our own personal “messenger” informing how we learn and perceive and how we communicate with others. Being conscious of the “Mercury function” in your life can be enormously helpful.
As our wizard stamps each Mercury with the different archetypal energies of the Zodiac, we begin to see that like the beakers filled with colored dyes, the frequency and vibration being emitted from each one feels different as it manifests into the world. Some Mercury’s seem intense, intimate, and edgy. Some appear to be extremely expressive, proud and bombastic. While some seem picky, analytical and detail-oriented. This describes just a few of the possibilities. There exists a colorful array of Mercury manifestations that we all encounter as we journey through our day interacting with others.
In an astrological consultation, an astrologer can help you to better understand the “Mercury function” in your life. What is your communication style? How do you prefer to learn? How do you connect to those around you? In what area of your life are you most versatile, inventive, or inquisitive? Answers to these questions and much more can be revealed through an exploration of Mercury in your natal chart. What color is your mind? Let's talk...