Often, in the wee hours of the night, after a blanket of ancient stars has been pulled across the sky, we speak openly, honestly, and frequently from the heart. The darkness seems to imbue a feeling of protection from the full exposure of daylight. Finding ourselves wrapped in the eternal splendor of the all-wise universe, our higher self feels safe to emerge and declare its ideas. These communications naturally seem to take on a hushed tone, as if we sense the sacred space we have entered. I call this, “whispering at midnight”. This is the space where questions are asked, paradigms are challenged, and sticking a toe into uncharted waters happens most.
One thing many cultures do well is pass on their belief systems; religion and schools are good at it too. I do not mean this in a critical way, but rather as an honest observation. Sometimes though, we feel a call to step outside the model we have been trained up in, and color outside the lines. These can be anxious moments as we venture beyond previous boundaries, we have been told to not cross. What will others think? Will I be laughed at? Will my friends and family abandon me? How do I cope with a change of an idea or belief I have held tightly to for so long? Is it wrong to think differently than I have been taught?
Unfortunately, these are not make-believe questions, but rather real concerns people have when they feel safe to speak openly, honestly, and from the heart as cited above. And though, late night discussions can often be the venue of choice, such “whispered” admissions can occur in other moments too. As I sit with people in Astrological and Shamanic sessions, they often, in a subdued tone of voice will declare a belief or feeling that they do not feel comfortable sharing elsewhere. You have probably caught yourself doing the same, perhaps leaning in across the table at the local coffee shop and whispering what you truly think or believe to a trusted friend.
Speaking one’s truth is a critical part of our individual pursuit of authenticity. I further believe it can be healing. Having personally gone through periods in my own life where I chose to “go along” with things I really did not believe in or being reluctantly supportive of ideas that in no way resonated with my soul, were very detrimental to my pursuit of being at peace, and fully realizing my potential and purpose. I am certain many of you can relate to such a feeling.
So, what is one to do in this regard?
Pay attention to those things you find yourself “whispering at midnight”, so to speak, as that is likely when you are being your most authentic self. Know that when you finally do take the step to begin speaking your truth, there will be people offended by it. That’s OK. Family might treat you differently. Others may laugh. But something else will happen too, you will find people who are supportive and encouraging. You will feel a burden lifted as it very taxing to hold onto things we don’t truly believe or ideas that don’t resonate with our highest self. You don’t have to be rude, angry or belligerent about it, but honesty is a must.
Your truth can set you free…
Artwork Courtesy of JAG Artistry: For more information visit: https://www.jagartistryimages.com/