I have always been fascinated with symbols. Etchings captured in time making bold statements or containing encapsulated wisdom preserved for generations. They are frequently simple in nature but deeply profound in meaning. Lines, dots, and circles cleverly arranged to convey enduring concepts and ideas. Where and how did we learn to do this? Within them we find a treasure trove of facts, stories, and hidden meaning left behind by those who have come before us.
So, what can we glean from these symbolic languages that have been used worldwide by different cultures throughout history? Early on, it seems the purpose of symbolic language was to aid travelers in their journeys, but beyond that it also came into existence to protect certain information so that only sympathizers or the immediate tribe would have access. A further observation that is critical to the understanding of symbolic languages is that they tap into the subconscious realm, reaching into a collective understanding of all souls. A sacred web of remembering… connecting all that is and has ever been.
This vast web of intricately woven images creates the proverbial pictures that speak a thousand words. Simple shapes that act as visual shortcuts to that part of us that transcends the rational self. Let’s take for instance a single horizontal dash. When we see “–“,we see a negative sign. In mathematics, this sign/symbol indicates that something is to be removed or taken away from the whole. Something is being reduced by some factor. It can also represent a decrease or withdrawal of value or a loss or deficiency of some type. This same symbol evokes something being a problem, bad, lacking, or not desirable. All of this from a single dash.
When we strike a vertical line through a “–“ sign we have something altogether different… “+ “. This is known as a positive sign in mathematics. An indication of increase, something being added to or greater in value. Things that are positive or bring good results, denote optimism, and are viewed as beneficial. What a difference a single line struck in the right direction can make. Symbols transcend words and quickly access the soul’s code.
Expanding this concept, a step further, it is interesting that when a horizontal line is dissected by a vertical line, an alchemical transformation occurs. The mundane is visited by the transcendent. If we see the negative sign as a flat plane, say the earth, we find ourselves on a one-dimensional stage. One that is heavily influenced by emotion, the ego, and desires. We can easily lose our sense of connection to anything beyond this plane of existence.
Yet, when a vertical awareness is injected into the equation, we become aware of another plane of existence, one free from the burdens of this one, where we can access unifying and free flowing energies in their purest form. A positivity can be found in these silent streams that course through the universe waiting for us to seek them. No beginning, and no end.
And so, it is dear reader that this week I leave you with a challenge to pay attention to the symbolic ways we are communicated with. Further, know that symbols, though simple, carry within them the complex. The same symbol can mean different things to different people and are not always straightforward. You may need to ponder, research, and petition for understanding. In due time, I promise a vertical awareness will envelop you and a moment uniquely tailored to you and your journey will transpire.