The New Moon in Leo will occur at 12 degrees and 34 minutes on August 4, 2024. This alignment will be transiting the 12th house of former President Donald Trump’s natal chart and be in conjunction with his Leo Pluto, which is the Co-Ruler of his 4th house. The 4th house is related to family lineage, homes, and emotional foundations. Despite being in the his 12th house of hidden enemies and endings, a New Moon signifies a positive new beginning with fresh energy and heightened vibrations.
The New Moon activating Trump’s natal Pluto hints at a potential resurgence of his power, possibly through a revelation from the shadows, particularly regarding secret enemies that could benefit him. This is reinforced by the favorable alignment of transiting Venus, closely conjunct Trump's ascendant and natal Mars, influencing his public image and emotional roots.
Moreover, the transiting Jupiter/Mars conjunction in Gemini during this New Moon, forming a sextile aspect to Trump's Pluto, may assist in unveiling truths or revitalizing his image post a turbulent phase. This conjunction also involves his natal Uranus in the 10th house, potentially sparking unexpected and intense events related to his public persona on August 14 and 15.
Trump's placement of Uranus in the 10th house at birth reflects his unconventional and defiant nature, particularly in the public eye. With transiting Uranus in Taurus affecting his Midheaven, unforeseen disruptions in his public image are likely.
Pluto in the 12th house of Trump’s natal chart suggests his advocacy for marginalized groups, which could potentially react to unfavorable events affecting him. However, there is a possibility of negative outcomes from this New Moon, with potential threats and sinister events capturing public attention, given the energies of Pluto and the 12th house.
As we navigate this critical year of 2024, while Venus's presence hints at a positive outcome, its placement at the anaretic degree may introduce unforeseen possibilities. This degree symbolizes pushing boundaries, revealing hidden aspects, and a sense of solitude, signifying both beginnings and endings. The current transits in Trump's chart carry an ominous undertone, emphasizing the need for peace amidst potential storms for cleansing and renewal.