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The Practical vs. Ethereal

We are all familiar with the common phrase "opposites attract," but have you ever stopped to wonder why? It appears to contradict the saying "birds of a feather flock together." In reality, the brilliance of the zodiac lies in its ability to showcase the variety of both similar and contrasting energies we experience in life. By examining the sign directly opposite another, we can quickly gain insight into the energy that might be missing, and if integrated in a balanced way, it can lead to a complete sense of self.

One of the finest and most lasting examples of opposition in astrology is the nodes of the moon. What exactly are the nodes of the moon? They are the two points where the moon's orbit crosses the ecliptic, which is the sun's path. The interpretation of the nodes has changed throughout the history of astrology. In Hellenistic and Medieval astrology, they were linked with planetary bodies: the North Node with Venus and Jupiter, and the South Node with Mars and Saturn.

As time progressed and Modern Western Astrology developed, the nodes have assumed a broader significance. They have come to represent past and future lives, indicating the soul's journey in a chart. Initially, when I encountered this symbolism, I was somewhat skeptical. Despite having already embraced the remarkable power and precision of other astrological symbols to provide timely insights, this particular concept made me pause and question... but why?

It is through the powerful word why that we can start to understand what the upcoming transition to a Pisces North Node and Virgo South Node might signify. Why is an incredibly useful concept, driving us to discover and achieve remarkable things throughout human history. It governs the realm of the mind, where we organize, discern, and critique everything that comes to our attention. However, there is a downside to why. When we become obsessed with it, we can overlook important things. The desire for everything to make perfect sense, fit neatly into a box, or the need to understand everything can become burdensome. At its worst, why can turn us into skeptical, nit-picking individuals whom others prefer to avoid.

This is, of course, one of Virgo's roles (among other concepts), to spark the Mercurial impulse within us. Mercury, the planetary body associated with Virgo, is considered its ruler. It embodies the essence of inquiry. When the nodes move into new signs on January 29, 2025 (I use the mean nodes), the south node will be in Virgo. This signifies something we, as a collective, are quite familiar with—a place where we feel comfortable and prefer to reside. It also indicates where we have collectively become stuck and stagnant. Virgo is an earth sign, characterized by an energy that seeks consistency and desires practical things.

As previously noted, there is a drawback to constantly requiring things to be practical, concrete, defined, and clearly organized. Thus, over the next 18 months, until July 26, 2026, the universe will present us with a generous dose of a magical and mystical essence called Pisces. Once embraced, we can envision greater unity for humanity, imagine communications that transcend ordinary words, and feel our souls connect with the mystery. Amidst the randomness, we are encouraged to release what we think we know and welcome the nebulous. A period characterized by letting go... and allowing. A time when losing something opens the doors necessary for us to discover what we truly need.

In our quest to release the tendency to overly identify with the material aspects of our existence and the incessant questioning of the 'why,' we will find ourselves required to adopt the persona of the Fool card from the tarot. This archetype represents a journey filled with spontaneity, innocence, and the courage to embrace the unknown. By stepping into the unknown watery depths of Pisces, we are invited to surrender to the flow of our emotions and intuition, trusting that despite the uncertainties that lie ahead, everything will ultimately be okay. This journey encourages us to dream, to envision possibilities that extend beyond our current limitations, and to explore the vast landscape of our imagination without fear of judgment or failure. As we embark on this transformative path, we will be called upon to allow previous boundaries—those self-imposed limits that have kept us confined within a rigid framework—to dissolve. This process may feel daunting, as it requires us to confront our fears and insecurities, but it is essential for our growth. Trusting that we can pierce the veil of our current understanding, we open ourselves to the potential of arriving at a higher consciousness than we have ever known. This higher state of awareness invites us to connect with deeper truths about ourselves and the universe, fostering a sense of unity with all that exists. In embracing the Fool's journey, we learn to let go of the need for control and certainty, recognizing that true wisdom often lies in the embrace of the unknown. The Fool teaches us that every step taken into the abyss of uncertainty is a step toward liberation and enlightenment. As we navigate these uncharted waters, we become more attuned to our inner guidance, allowing intuition to lead us rather than being tethered to the material world and its distractions. This shift in perspective not only enriches our personal experiences but also enhances our relationships with others, as we become more open-hearted and receptive to the interconnectedness of all beings. Ultimately, this journey into the depths of our psyche and the cosmos invites us to embrace a life filled with wonder, creativity, and profound understanding.

Returning to the theme where this blog started, opposites attract, and the essential aspect of working with the nodal axis in astrology is achieving balance. The south node offers us familiar gifts, neatly packaged with known contents. The north node, however, presents a series of packages with unknown contents. What if we dislike them? What if one includes a gym membership, encouraging us to take a step towards getting back into shape? What if another contains a juicer with a recipe book or a paid session with a life coach who could aid in improving both our physical and mental well-being? The idea is that the north node challenges us to break free from a stagnant pattern and embrace discomfort for a while. In the upcoming nodal shift into the Pisces/Virgo axis, we are being urged to exchange the practical for the imaginative, reality for fantasy, and a focus solely on physical health for one that also encompasses healing at the soul level.

In conclusion, I wish to invoke the spirit of Carl Jung. One might even suggest calling this the Jungian axis. The well-known story tells of Carl Jung's multi-year therapeutic engagement with a woman he described as being very much in her own head, insisting that everything must be rational. After years of attempting to persuade her that not everything needs to make sense, a breakthrough occurred. During a routine appointment, where Jung admitted he was merely going through the motions—taking notes and listening—a remarkable event took place. The woman began describing a recent dream in which someone handed her a necklace with a golden scarab beetle attached. At that exact moment, Jung heard a tapping on the window behind him. To his surprise, a beetle closely resembling a scarab was trying to fly in. As he opened the window, the beetle flew into Jung's office and landed on his hand. He then turned to his patient and declared, "Here is your scarab beetle!" At that moment, the pressing question in the room was, "Who sent the beetle and why?"

Let the journey begin...

1 Comment

4 days ago

Thank you for this blog. I have a nodal axis going from earth to water, in my case Taurus South Node conjunct Saturn and Vesta, and Scorpio North Node. I am looking forward to the change. I have Neptune in Virgo which is interesting!!

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