It’s an idiom that most have heard. The phrase “last hurrah” actually finds its origins in a novel penned in 1956 about a politician’s last mayoral campaign. Some helpful synonyms that add depth to the meaning of this phrase are farewell, last gasp, culmination, or simply… goodbye. We are about to enter a “last hurrah” period for what has arguably been a very dramatic and society altering dance between the planetary bodies, Saturn and Uranus. They began tugging at each other via an astrological aspect referred to as a square in 2021 which has continued into 2022. As these two cosmic markers of time have participated in a competition that has pushed their individual energies to collide and release a tension that has built up over many years, the effects have rippled through the world in a multitude of ways.
In my first musings written about this event I chose to title my blog Clocks vs Vortexes. You can read those blogs here:
Why clocks vs vortexes? This analogy has its origins in the archetypal energies associated with these two planets. Clocks are a means by which we measure time. They provide structure to our lives. They provide boundaries during which certain things occur. Many of the rules we follow are based on clocks. Restrictions and commitments are often governed by clocks. Saturn is the lord of this realm, a domain of the conventional. Authority and structure reign supreme here. If there was ever a polar opposite to Saturn, it is Uranus.
If clocks represent organization and structure, vortexes represent disruption and irregularity. Vortexes are portals that break the spell of time and expose us to a different reality. Swirling epicenters of energy that sweep us into an awakened state. These are places in which time seems to melt away and timelessness helps us break free of our human limitations. Uranus runs the show here. Freedom, originality, and rebellion is the motto emblazoned on Uranus’ business card. This 7th rock from the Sun (I mean “ice giant’) is an agent of change.
Last year Saturn and Uranus experienced three exact squares by degree. This year, in 2022, the closest this square will come to exactness again will be within a 1-degree orb occurring during the period from September 23 – October 23, and the closest orb being from October 3-6. This is what I am referring to as the “last hurrah” for this aspect cycle that takes place approximately every 14 years. By January 15, 2023 this aspect will have separated enough to call “game over” for this episode, but the initiatory processes it has kick started will linger on for the foreseeable future.
Left in its wake, society must sort out how to absorb and implement the Uranian disruptions and challenges that have been brought up, and as the dust settles, what new ideas and structures will we be operating in going forward. These fabled clashes between the old vs new, restriction vs freedom, and status-quo vs change are the stuff our world’s history is made of. The hope being that the challenges lead to growth and progress that help move us forward as a collective in a beneficial and meaningful way.
In this never-ending cosmic unfolding, I continue to encourage one and all to seek peace. Not peace from the world around you, but from the world within you. It is here you can make a difference. We are just travelers passing through this 3-D play called life. It is wise for us to remember that. I think the poem “Guest House” by the mystical poet Rumi says it best:
This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.