Winter Solstice 2020, besides being the shortest day and longest night, this year holds in its hands the combination that will unlock the next twenty-years. On December 21, the much-anticipated great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will occur (conjunction = when 2 or more planets align in the sky, from our view on Earth) in the zodiacal sign of Aquarius. What a powerful and poetic metaphor it is that this change takes place in deep darkness and then each day thereafter greater light is introduced. The conjunction of these two planets has been lauded throughout history as a marker of 200-year eras. The last time Jupiter and Saturn came together in a conjunction in Aquarius was January 7, 1405, that’s 615 years ago.
Though these conjunctions take place approximately every 20 years, it is the broader 200-year cycle that is so momentous. These longer cycles all take place in the same element. For the past 200-years we have been in the element of earth (there are four elements fire, earth, air, water). Beginning with the upcoming conjunction on December 21, 2020 the conjunctions will shift to the element of air. The zodiacal signs associated with the element of air are: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
An important fact about this conjunction, known historically as the Great Chronocrator, which means marker of time, is that it has long been revered as a harbinger of epochal societal and political changes. But before opining on what those changes may be, let’s briefly look at what the energies of Jupiter and Saturn represent and how their union together in Aquarius might impact the world. When these two important planets come together, we can expect a shift in our understanding that will play out over the next two decades.
Jupiter possesses the energy of optimism, expansion, visions, and abundance, albeit at times done in an over-indulgent or excessive manner. Some would say Jupiter doesn’t always know when to stop. With Saturn, we have a completely different energy. Saturn is restrained, disciplined, and resistant to change. Commonly identified as being excessively authoritarian and stuck in the old ways. When these planets dance together, their opposing energies seem to balance one another in a positive manner.
When Jupiter busts out with wild optimism, Saturn interjects with structure and boundaries. Similarly, when Saturn puts its head-down in a constrained and hard-working manner, Jupiter provides an energetic lift that brings expansive productivity and optimism to the task. There is truly a union of interests.
The sign that hosts the upcoming great conjunction is Aquarius. Being an air sign, Aquarius carries an energy that seeks an exchange of data, it’s a mental energy that is perpetually attempting to conceptualize the world. Aquarius itself is anything but the usual. Its focus is on the unconventional, non-traditional, humanitarian and the collective. This is why when Saturn enters it, there are adjustments to be made. The traditional must bend to the unique and revolutionary. Obedience must yield to rebelliousness. Rules are tossed out in favor of thinking outside the box. Maintaining the status quo is constantly being interrupted and challenged. This will definitely be something to watch for in the years to come.
In the case of Jupiter, when in Aquarius, beliefs and philosophies take on an eclectic and progressive tilt. Jupiter seeks justice for the collective and supports their right to freedom and to pursue non-mainstream ideas and pursuits. Thoughts turn to an optimism toward the expansion of different and quirky innovations that could be disruptive to established methods and practices. I suspect we are about enter a time when the innovations and ideas that come to the fore will be truly mind-boggling, beyond our wildest imaginings.
Saturn is the traditional ruler of the sign of Aquarius. Because of this, Saturn has the upper-hand in this Great Conjunction, meaning the last word. When Saturn is domiciled here, it takes on a discipline and dedication to all matters humanitarian and involves focused efforts in groups or great causes. The work accomplished during this new era will likely be led by the freethinkers of the world, those who see the paradoxes of life and call upon the collective to break-free of past constraints. Illusions will be challenged, broken, and replaced with new visions that are revolutionary and altruistic.
None of us alive today will likely see the full 200-year era of Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions in air signs, that is unless one of the major innovations during this period is the doubling of human life expectancy! What we are likely to see are incredible technological breakthroughs, beyond the miraculous things we already enjoy. If I have one warning or hesitation about it all, it is this, Saturn also has a dark side. We must be careful not to fall prey to an arrogance that potentially arises due to our technological savviness. As we see the lines between machine and human blur even more, let us not forget the interconnectedness of our souls.
In the story of Atlantis, we are told of a great lost civilization by the Greek philosopher Plato. This was an advanced civilization which had navigating and sea-faring skills, which could explore the world and built gigantic buildings and had advanced knowledge in every area and was extremely prosperous. Then, corruption crept into the society, it became cruel and avaricious. Plato says he heard the story of Atlantis from his grandfather, who had heard it from the Athenian statesman Solon (300 years before Plato's time), who had learned it from an Egyptian priest, who said it had happened 9,000 years before that. The most haunting statement that Plato makes in his retelling of the story is this… “Atlantis ceased to wear its prosperity with moderation”. It seems that Atlantis had become so sure of itself that it became extremely vulnerable and ultimately ceased to exist.
We are about to enter an era of extreme innovation, new thinking, a time when the structures and beliefs we have come to know and hold sacred are challenged and reimagined. What changes can we expect? One can never be quite sure, however, throwing my hat into the realm of prediction I would suspect that it will involve the application of our technological knowledge in a sweeping manner. Buildings will look different—new construction and design will be done in a revolutionary manner. Agricultural methods will undergo a renaissance. Social upheaval is coming. Our beliefs will shift from the traditional to unique and alternative philosophies and ideas. Uprisings against limiting and restrictive practices will erupt with a suddenness that will catch many off-guard. Being that Saturn rules time itself, perhaps how we view time will change, or we will crack the code and time travel will become a reality. The revolution is beginning…
200 years from now what our world look like? My hope is that unlike Atlantis, as we experience the great advancements, prosperity and new philosophies this era is likely to usher in, that we stay connected to the sacred, to our divine roots. If we allow ourselves to be caught up in the hubris that potentially results from such advancements, sadly, we like many great civilizations that have come before us may “cease to wear our prosperity with moderation” which doesn’t seem to ever end well. Let’s hope its different this time and we find a way to use the progress that will surely come to truly move humanity into an era of great peace, progress and cooperation that benefits us all. Grab some popcorn, the movie is about to begin.