When watching a stage play, there is always a lot of anticipation that builds up for the final act. It is here the audience hopes to learn what this was all leading to, what climatic events will unfold, and will there be a potential plot-twist that will leave everyone stunned. Mouths agape, people shuffle out of the theatre mumbling “I didn’t see that coming”.
Much like a stage play that we as humans orchestrate to convey stories, ideas, and feelings the Universe does the same. There is a cosmic play unfolding each and every day. Though unseen, it is still palpable in the energies we experience. Astrology helps us to see and understand those influences. When planetary bodies traverse the skies above us, they are actors performing very specific roles. They shine a light on and reveal matters in our individual lives as well as the collective.
Additionally, as these planets move through time and space they pass through twelve different zodiac signs. These can be interpreted as costumes that for a scene or two the planets wear that add color and definition to their actions. For instance, sometimes Mercury or Mars may be wearing Piscean clothing, at other times Virgo. It’s an ever changing, overarching script that is endless, timeless, and silently occurring on a hidden stage.
One planetary body (as least treated as such in astrology) that for the past several years has been written about extensively is Pluto. It’s important to note that Pluto has orbit around the Sun of 248 years. Given this, Pluto spends a considerable amount of time traversing each of the individual zodiac signs. On average these periods vary between 11.5 and 30.5 years in a sign. This is due to Pluto’s highly elliptical orbit and the fact that it is pitched up 17 degrees.
Most recently, Pluto has been transiting through the sign of Capricorn since 2008, but has been transitioning to Aquarius since March 23, 2023. The transitioning part is important because as a planet moves into a new sign it sometimes undergoes retrograde periods where it slips back into the late degrees of a sign for a final dance before moving fully into position in the next sign. This is a very telling and important time. Especially during the transit through the anaretic 29th degree, also known as the degree of fate or karma.
One of the most obvious meanings of a planet entering a new sign and moving through the 29th degree to the 1st degree of a new sign, is the ending of one energy and the beginning of another. This historically has marked a time during which world events can be tumultuous.
Dates for the most recent time Pluto transited through Capricorn 29th degree:
· 3/16/1777 – 4/3/1777
· 5/27/1777 – 7/18/1777
· 12/25/1777 – 1/25/1778
· 8/20/1778 – 11/30/1778
Though there is much we could extract from the history unfurling during these dates, the most glaring echo being this was shortly after the American Revolution and prior to the French Revolution. When we examine the periods during which Pluto has traversed the sign of Capricorn in the past what shouts the loudest has been the concentration of power at the top. The word Plutocracy says it well, from the Oxford dictionary we read “an elite or ruling class of people whose power derives from their wealth.”
Consequently, during times that Pluto has visited Capricorn, the most recent being 2008 – 2024, we have seen business, government, and others in positions of authority drift toward consolidating and abusing power. Unfortunately, this has more often than not led to oppression of the people that ultimately ends with a reactionary, rebellious, and revolutionary response. This is what a shift of Pluto into Aquarius is all about, a reckoning or comeuppance that will lead to a transfer of control and power back to the people. And as you have heard me infer in other blogs surrounding this transition, this can get messy.
It is noteworthy to mention that this will all be taking place within earshot (orb) of the placement of Pluto in the USA Sibley chart. In this founding chart Pluto resides at 27 degrees and 33 minutes in the 2nd house. The second house in nation’s chart deals with it national wealth, banks, stock exchanges, gold reserves, and general trade, agricultural products, and the general financial well being of the people. Having just experienced the USA Pluto Return this could possibly intensify the unfolding of this very auspicious astrological occurrence. For more information on the USA Pluto Return read more here:
Perhaps you the reader have also made the obvious connection that this passage of Pluto through the final degree of Capricorn corresponds with the final run-up to the United States Presidential Election on November 5, 2024. As the saying goes, “ya just can’t make this stuff up”. What might we see during this time? I think we are seeing some previews right now. So grab some popcorn, settle in, and grab your favorite blanket. Your job is to stay present and calm as the world undergoes an important shift from Earth (Capricorn) to Air (Aquarius). A time of increased focus on communication and a desire for interaction with each other. We are going to need each other more than ever…