I am not an optometrist, but I have been to one several times in my life. You go to one, to examine the health of your eyes. That remarkable part of us that is easy to take for granted, yet it is a miracle beyond our understanding as to how they really work? There are eloquent explanations as to the mechanics of how the eye converts light into shapes, colors and images. However, light is a different matter altogether. Light drives the whole process. There are several theoretical mathematical models of light but in the end, there are as many questions. Light is a mystery. I suppose the best explanation I found in my research is that light is energy that exists somewhere along the electromagnetic spectrum.
So, consider this, those circles on your face (which remarkably resemble a galaxy), with windows (cornea) that receive light and convert them to shapes and images, take that light and refract it; bend it. It is through this process that we are able to focus this light onto our retina. Light refracts whenever it travels at an angle into a substance with a different refractive index (also known as the optical density). What happens in the retina, is these light rays are processed by millions of tiny nerve endings, which in turn send these light impulses through over a million nerve fibers to the optic nerve, then on to the brain. Wow… and we never consider this, or ponder it, because it just happens.
When our vision, or processing of light, becomes compromised some way, an optometrist performs an eye exam to determine how to remedy the situation. The tools an optometrist uses vary based on his or her assessment of the situation, however, the most common is the phoropter. This instrument (the one that they put in front of your face that has multiple lenses) measures refractive error in your eyes. The process is subjective in nature in that the patient gives feedback to the optometrist as to which lens gives them the best vision. These are generally framed as A vs. B questions.
But what is really happening here? At its most basic level this is a conversation about how someone is perceiving energy. How is your lens processing the light? For some reason is it blurred? Because of some shift or change within your eye is the light entering at an angle that is not optimal? Keep in mind, these are not single rays of light that we are experiencing. Multiple rays of light converge on the eye through the cornea and get refracted inwards and converted into the language of shapes and forms.
On a recent walk in the woods, it struck me that the natal chart (what astrologers call your life chart) is very much like the eye. People generally seek out a natal chart reading with the express desire to improve the clarity with which they can see themselves, as well as to obtain a vision of the future. It is a cornea of sorts, through which we process incoming energies. The similarities are not only in shape and certain characteristics of the chart, but the way an astrologer uses a natal chart bears a resemblance to an eye exam. Strikingly, even the angular relationships within a natal chart between planetary bodies, can change the image and form of how something (energy) is interpreted. There are angular relationships that are interpreted as more optimal and others that are less so. There is even one that is characterized as a “blind spot”, known as a quincunx. These angles are analogous to the refraction of light (energy) passing through the cornea and taking shape as they are dispersed through the optic nerve to the brain, and in the case of a natal chart, planet to planet, house to house.
Very much like the process of sampling multiple lens, by way of the phoropter, an astrologer, drops various lens over a natal chart to see an individual as clearly as they can, which in turn can bring greater awareness and vision to the person whose chart is being delineated. One lens is the elemental distribution (fire, air, earth, water) of the planets. Another lens is the modality (cardinal, fixed, mutable) of the planets. Another, what zodiacal sign are the planets in? What houses do the planets fall in? Are the planets in direct motion or retrograde? Is there a detectable pattern to the placement of the planets? Was the person born in daylight or darkness? These are but a few, of multiple lens, an astrologer can use.
There is also a very strong correlation between the subjective questioning of an optometrist and an astrologer. Like the optometrist, an astrologer does often use an A vs. B questioning method in order to know where to go next in someone’s chart. The process could turn up, for instance, several ways that a person’s Moon energies may be manifesting in their life. Upon questioning them, the astrologer gleans information that can lead to the next lens that needs to be flipped. As this process continues, the clarity of the information continues to sharpen, and ultimately the person will declare “yes, that’s exactly right” or “yes, that’s exactly how I feel”.
As I exited my walk in the woods, this blog had written itself. And once again, I was in awe of how all of creation is intertwined and connected. Our eye really does bear a strong resemblance to galaxies. And just like the light (energy) that enters our eyes is converted to images and shapes in our brains, in my estimation, archetypal energies are processed through our “cornea of life”, the natal chart. If you are finding a bit of blurriness in your life, your vision of the future is compromised in some way, I invite you experience a natal chart reading. A consultation can help you to see the lens you are processing life through and hopefully give you greater clarity and vision about yourself.