It was a surreal moment. On an autumn evening, November 9, 1989, the Humpty Dumpty known as the Berlin Wall came tumbling down. Germany was reunified and the world was changing. The Revolutions of 1989 greatly altered the balance of power in the world and marked (together with the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union) the end of the Cold War and the beginning of the post-Cold War era. Similarly, in June of 1989, another protest had emerged in Beijing, China, among university students calling for increased democracy and human rights. This uprising had a different outcome than the one that spread through the Soviet Bloc nations, ending with the Chinese government executing thousands of their own citizens.
You might not be aware that a significant astrological event took place in 1989, setting the stage for shifts in political and economic systems. This was a conjunction of the planets Saturn and Neptune, which happens roughly every 36 years. Simply put, this event symbolizes a clash between Saturn's heavy, authoritarian restrictions and Neptune's idealistic, boundaryless visions of community. These two planets often conflict, leading to turbulent outcomes influenced by the sign they are in.

In which sign is the upcoming conjunction of Saturn and Neptune occurring this time? Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is a cardinal fire sign. Cardinal energy initiates actions; it plunges into things, often without fully considering them, acting on impulse and sometimes recklessly. This is warrior energy, ready for a challenge. Linked with the element of fire, Aries amplifies its cardinal nature like pouring gasoline on it. Fire symbolizes the life force, eager to create and make an impact. Stand in its way, and you risk getting burned. Fire also inspires with intense bursts of creativity. It is within this energy that Saturn and Neptune, an unlikely pair, must resolve their differences.
The exact conjunction in Aries at 00:44 will take place on February 20, 2026. Prior to this, however, we will get a preview of what this conjunction may be a harbinger for when Saturn and Neptune come within 13 minutes of each other on July 12, 2025. Saturn stations here and then goes retrograde at this point before turning direct again and marching toward exactness next year. Other dates from the past at which Saturn and Neptune reached conjunction in Aries are:
Date | Saturn | Neptune |
March 15, 593 BC | Aries 02:36 | Aries 02:36 |
April 25, 91 BC | Aries27:28 | Aries27:28 |
March 24, 232 | Aries 16:46 | Aries 16:46 |
March 18, 555 | Aries 07:03 | Aries 07:03 |
March 21, 1380 | Aries 21:27 | Aries 21:27 |
March 27, 1703 | Aries 11:44 | Aries 11:44 |
February 20, 2026 | Aries 00:44 | Aries 00:44 |
Digging into past conjunctions in Aries, what types of events have we seen? These periods have been marked by wars, natural disasters, and events that cause confusion. In his infamous book Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View, Richard Tarnas writes in broad based terms concerning Saturn Neptune conjunctions, "There is also a tendency during Saturn/Neptune eras to experience a subtle but pervasive darkening of the collective consciousness, sometimes as a diffuse and difficult-to-diagnose social malaise, at other times as a direct response to deeply discouraging or tragic events."

Below is a list of several related events (not intended to be comprehensive by any means) that took place during the last synodic cycle of the Saturn/Neptune conjunction in Aries, which spanned from March 1703 to July 1738.
The Great Storm of 1703, an extratropical cyclone, ravages southern England and the English Channel, killing at least 8,000, mostly at sea. The Eddystone Lighthouse off Plymouth is destroyed in the storm together with its designer Henry Winstanley and many buildings on land are damaged.
Correlation: A violent and vicious (Aries) storm in the sea (Neptune) destroying (Aires) buildings and other structures (Saturn) also resulting in many deaths (Saturn).
1703: Genroku earthquake off the coast of Japan, near Edo (modern-day Tokyo), kills thousands and triggers a large tsunami, killing thousands more
Correlation: A sudden event at sea (Neptune) triggers a fierce (Aries) tsunami wave (Neptune) killing thousands (Saturn).
1703: Edirne Incident: Turkish army ousts Sultan Mustafa II, replacing him with his brother Ahmed III, reducing the power of the sultan
Correlation: A military coup (Aries) initiated over taxation issues (Saturn) and corruption (Neptune) results in murder (Aries) and the take over by soldier slaves (Saturn, Neptune and Aries).
1707: The Act of Union merges the Scottish and English Parliaments, creating the Kingdom of Great Britain
Correlation: By parliamentary action (Aries and Saturn), two Kingdoms (Saturn) merge together dissolving (Neptune) two parliaments into an incorporating (Neptune) parliament.
Correlation: The true story of a Scottish sailor (Neptune) who becomes an isolated castaway (Saturn) where he survives (Aries) for 4 years becomes the basis of realistic fiction (Neptune and Saturn) as a literary genre.
Correlation: Two famous musical composers (Neptune) compete (Aries) to judge (Saturn) who is the best (Aries) keyboardist with a winner being not clear (Neptune).
Correlation: Protests (Aries) against industrialization (Saturn and Neptune) by workers (Saturn) fearing (Saturn) what they imagined (Neptune) it might mean to their jobs spurs aggressive actions (Aries).

Correlation: A European physicist brings form and structure to the formless and abstract (Saturn and Neptune) creating a device to measure (Saturn) temperature and establishes the boundaries (Saturn) between boiling and freezing.
1710s-1730s: The Age of Enlightenment flourishes in Europe, with prominent thinkers like Voltaire and Montesquieu
Correlation: Reason or structured thinking (Saturn) and skepticism or premonitions (Neptune) were merged (Neptune) into a philosophy that argued for the separation of church and state (Saturn and Neptune) and individual liberty (Aries).
1733-1738: The War of Polish Succession, another major European conflict over the Polish throne
Correlation: Military battles and campaigns (Aries) that began after the death (Saturn) of a leader and involved the redistribution of territorial lines (Saturn) by dissolving existing boundaries (Neptune).
An important observation regarding the upcoming conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in Aries on February 20, 2026, is that it occurs at 0 degrees of Aries. This signifies the start of spring in the tropical zodiac. It represents Aries energy in its purest form, symbolizing a time of new life, fresh beginnings, courage, and action. This moment, known as the spring equinox, marks when the Sun crosses back into the Northern Hemisphere, bringing increased light and hope. Interestingly, the Sabian symbol for 1 degree of Aries (as Sabian symbols are rounded up to the next degree) is:

Emergence of new forms and of the potentiality of consciousness.
I hope this signals positive outcomes for the most elevated and ideal manifestations of Saturn's conjunction with Neptune. However, sometimes a struggle is necessary to achieve such heights. Spring exemplifies this concept. Seeds that remain dormant during the cold winter days are awakened by the increasing light of spring. Although most of us are unaware, there is a struggle as these seeds open and strive upward, seeking new life and aspiring to fulfill their true nature. The meeting of Saturn and Neptune holds similar potential, as the serious, disciplined, and structured master potter Chronos aids the dreamy, intuitive, and creative Poseidon in transforming the mystical into a practical form.
With the significant changes taking place in 2025, notably the transition of the transpersonal planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (which happened in late 2024) into new zodiac signs, we are set to begin a transformative journey into a new consciousness. Interestingly, whether examining the larger cycles or the smaller ones within them, there appears to be a consistency in themes. For instance, the Sabian symbol for 1 degree of Aries also reflects this potential for a new form of consciousness. Additionally, during the October to December period of 2025, Jupiter, the Great Benefic, will be exalted in Cancer and will form a water trine with Saturn and Neptune, which will be in Pisces at that time. This could be a magical and blessed period. Dreams becoming reality...
We are experiencing extraordinary times. The rapid pace of change is sweeping into our world like a series of lightning bolts, deeply affecting our collective consciousness. This is where our beliefs, values, and attitudes reside—elements that unite us and guide our interactions. Everything feels destined. In conclusion, I would like to share some shamanic insight with you, the reader. There is a prophecy called the Eagle and the Condor, believed to originate from the indigenous peoples of the Amazon. While this is not certain, it is the widely accepted origin. Essentially, the belief is that we navigate this experience through periods known as Pachakutis, which are 500-year eras. The Fourth Pachakuti started in the 1490’s, and the Fifth began in the 1990’s.

The significance of this being, Columbus's arrival in the Americas in the early 1490s and the advent of more universal communication capabilities beginning in the 1990s. This provided the ability for indigenous peoples to connect and share their knowledge with those living in the industrialized world. Briefly, the core of this prophecy is one that tracks the two different paths humanity has taken historically. These paths have been the classic example of the two paths that diverged in the woods and never seemed to come back together. This is a story of division and conflict, but also of union and peace. The prophecy points to a time in which these two paths could potentially merge and become one.
In this prophecy, the two groups are referred to as the Eagle people and the Condor people. The Eagle people are generally associated with the mind, industry, and masculine energy, often linked to science and technology. Historically, they have been the explorers, colonizers, and aggressors. In contrast, the Condor people are intuitive, creative, and feeling-oriented, aligning more with feminine energy. Indigenous cultures typically follow this path, valuing the heart over the mind and mysticism over rationalism.
The prophecy speaks to a period of long separation between these two peoples. It was during the Fourth Pachakuti that there was the potential for the eagle people to destroy the condor people. As we know this extinction did come close but the condor people survived. Then, it was foretold that during the Fifth Pachakuti a portal of opportunity would open that provided a chance for the coming together of these two peoples and the resulting offspring would have a higher consciousness. The symbol often associated with this union is the mythical quetzal of Central America, the Mayan bird that is the symbol of bringing together the heart and mind, art and science, male and female.

It is crucial to understand that historically, wisdom leaders—often referred to as shamans or shapeshifters—have emphasized the interdependence of the personal and communal aspects of life. These figures, deeply rooted in various cultural traditions, have served as guides and healers, helping individuals navigate their personal journeys while simultaneously fostering a strong sense of community. They have taught that the well-being of the individual cannot be fully realized without considering the health and harmony of the society in which one lives. This interconnectedness is a fundamental principle that has been passed down through generations, highlighting the importance of collective responsibility and shared wisdom.
In recent years, particularly in Western cultures, or what can be termed as Eagle cultures, there has been a notable tendency to prioritize the personal over the communal. This shift towards individualism has manifested in numerous ways, from the rise of self-help movements to an increased emphasis on personal achievement and success. While personal growth and self-fulfillment are undoubtedly important, this focus on individual interests has caused significant harm to the global community that we all inhabit. The neglect of communal values has led to a disconnection among individuals, fostering isolation rather than unity. As people become more engrossed in their personal pursuits, the threads that bind communities together begin to fray, resulting in a loss of shared identity and purpose.
This individualistic mindset has also contributed to a range of societal issues, including increased mental health challenges, a decline in social cohesion, and a growing sense of alienation among individuals. The relentless pursuit of personal goals often comes at the expense of communal well-being, leading to a culture where competition overshadows collaboration. Furthermore, this paradigm has implications for how we address global challenges, such as climate change, social injustice, and economic inequality. When individuals prioritize their own needs and desires above those of the collective, it becomes increasingly difficult to mobilize the necessary collective action to tackle these pressing issues effectively.
In contrast, the wisdom of traditional leaders reminds us of the importance of nurturing relationships and fostering a sense of belonging. By recognizing that our personal journeys are intertwined with the journeys of others, we can begin to cultivate a more inclusive and compassionate society. Embracing the teachings of shamans and shapeshifters encourages us to look beyond ourselves, to consider the impact of our actions on our communities and the world at large. It is through this lens of interdependence that we can work towards healing the rifts created by individualism and strive for a more harmonious existence, where both personal and communal well-being are prioritized and celebrated.
As we step into this new gateway of opportunity and understanding, my hope and Shamanic blessing for all of us is to seize this moment. As an Astrologer and a Shaman, I feel fortunate to be present during this significant time in our planet's history. As mentioned earlier, we are nearing a period similar to 0 degrees Aries—a new beginning. It's a time when new ideas, paradigms, and connections are emerging from their winter slumber. The path may not be straightforward, with potentially steep cliffs along the way, but rest assured, the great cosmic clock is sounding its alarm of awakening, calling people to rise and embrace their destiny.
Thank you for taking the time to read it 🙏🏻
Thank you for another wonderful and insightful blog.