It is estimated that Guido Bonatti died sometime between 1296 and 1300 A.D. Interestingly, we don’t have a birthdate for him. This is ironic in that Bonatti is the most famous astrologer of the 13th century. During the time he was alive it was not uncommon for an astrologer to also be an accomplished mathematician as well as astronomer. By all accounts he was an aristocrat, an adviser to the mighty, and a learned man. He is most recognized for his work Liber astronomicus, undoubtedly one of the most important astrological texts written in Latin from the 13th century. It probably comes as no surprise that the Catholic Church didn’t care much for Bonatti, with Dante placing him in the eighth circle of his Inferno: “Vedi Guido Bonattià”—Inferno, XX, 118.
That said, his writings on astrological techniques are superb, to this day being referenced and used by astrologers around the world. One of the methodologies he has passed down involves the interpretation of dreams. Bonatti had a process that was used to determine if a dream was true or false. Anciently the interpretation of dreams was a big deal as they were considered messages from the Gods. Think of Joseph interpreting the Pharaoh's dream or Daniel doing the same for Nebuchadnezzar II. The interpretation of dreams has also been known as divination, which comes from the Latin word divinare, to foresee, to foretell, to predict, or to prophesy.
What follows will be the application of Bonatti’s technique to my daughter’s dream presented in The Broken World (Part 1), I will then look at that same dream through the lens of my own Shamanic interpretation. If you haven’t read The Broken World (Part 1) you can find it here: . I present the following information on Bonatti’s dream interpretation method, which I fully understand is written in heavily astrological terms, so as to give the reader some perspective of how through the art of astrology dreams were examined in the past. I recognize that for many this will seem like Greek, ironically the astrology used is Hellenistic. If you wish to skim past the method you will find the conclusions at the end of this section in the form of a bullet pointed summary.
For reference, here is the dream that she had in the early morning hours of June 3, 2023:
The Broken World
I was all of the sudden in a utopian world of metal. I was with a girl and a boy around my age that I didn’t know but felt familiar. We were almost in the future and we had some sort of mission. The downtown buildings were swirly and bright metal. There were robot men who inhabited the place and two were fighting. We were on the one robot’s side and once he had won, he shot a robot gun into the sky. Me and my two friends were lifted into the sky on a platform where we were then on a pixelated plane. Then everything went dark. We knew we had completed our mission but wanted to go back home. We were standing around this huge broken Disco Ball with pieces missing. The ball almost represented the world and how the world had fallen apart. We were on this rickety ladder system that went in a circle around the ball. It had an old platform going around the ball and then ladders going down. If you fell off you would fall into black abyss. When we first arrived from this place a piece was added to where we thought it would fit on the disco ball. Me and the girl were looking around when she started going down the ladder. I was afraid but followed her down leaving the boy on the platform. We started climbing down when we realized below the disco ball was a Ferris wheel. It was old and deteriorating and all the cars were black and white. All the paint had worn off until my friend spotted one car that was still painted and it was like the couple car. So, this was one continuous seat almost like a bench. We found our way to sit on it and the Ferris wheel kept moving. I was looking out of the Ferris wheel feeling the wind when we were now in a car that had just driven under a bridge. I was with my friend and I asked where on earth were we or better yet- when were we. We were in an old-fashioned town but I did not know where- it was America though. We were driving in this red old-fashioned car while we were investigating where we were when I looked to a bridge to see the year 1933. We were on another mission.
According to Bonatti one should cast the chart for the place and time in which the astrologer understands the dream (if you are an astrologer, you will recognize this as a horary technique). Here is that chart:
The first step is to look to the 9th house of the chart, the place of divinatory knowledge in Medieval and Hellenistic astrology also known as Theos, which means God. What we are looking for is the presence of any of the 7 classical planets… Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon. In the above chart there is a planet (Pluto) and an asteroid (Hygeia) in the 9th house but in keeping with what Bonatti would have been considering, there are no planets in the 9th as these had not yet been discovered at that point in history. The method according to Bonatti is to then look at houses 10, 1, 4, 7 and 3 for planets being present. The process is to check the 9th house first, if there are no planets there, move to the 10th and so on and the first planet one comes to will be the significator of the dream. In moving to the 10th house, the first planet we encounter is a Pisces Saturn at 07:02. Of note, if after checking all the houses listed above there were no planets located in any of them, a dream was considered to be false or of no account. In the case of “The Broken World” dream, the presence of Saturn in the 10th house is an indication of its validity.
Once the significator of the dream is determined, in this case a Pisces Saturn, the energies of the planet are indicative of the nature of the dream. In Bonatti’s writings he indicates when it is Saturn, the dream contains something that brings fear. I would say that seems to be the nature of this dream.
The next step given is to one designed to identify the source of the dream. Bonatti instructs that one should look to the topic of the houses ruled by the planet that is the significator of the dream. In this case, with Pisces Saturn being that planet, the 8th (with Capricorn on the cusp) and 9th (with Aquarius on the cusp) houses are involved. Using ancient meanings attributed to these houses we find that the 8th is the place of death and capture and the 9th the place of journeys. Turning back to the actual dream is any of this present? Indeed, the dream opens with death, one robot shooting another, there is the earth falling apart and circumjacent by a rickety ladder system that if you fall off it you enter in the black abyss. It’s worth noting that black is the color associated with Saturn. This dream is loaded with the images of the 8th and 9th house topics.
Bonatti then gives a method to examine the qualities of the sign in which the significator planet is domiciled. In this instance, Saturn is located in the Pisces, a mutable water sign. Pisces is also a feminine sign and as such according to Bonatti a dream here will often be associated with high elevated places, fear of falling from a high place, sea storms, and great winds. Once again, this is freakishly accurate. This dream has three out of four of the major characteristics listed. Bonatti goes on to share that if a water sign, there is also often something associated with boarding a ship, drowning, shipwrecks, and floods. Though there aren’t any water faring ships described in this dream there are numerous examples of transportation that are similar to boarding a ship, such as the platform that raises up, the ladder systems around the disco ball (earth), the Ferris wheel, a bridge which presumably crosses some water, and the red car. Interestingly, the pixilation mentioned as the platform rises up can give the impression of what happens when something reflects off of water.
There is also a step in this process of analysis that identifies the effect of the dream. Bonatti says one must look to the modality of the sign in which the Moon is placed to determine this. In this case, the Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius which is mutable or in ancient terms known as common. This is an indicator that something will appear from the dream. Given the nature of the dream, this may take a while to transpire., Or, because this dream was shared with her Shaman/Astrologer father there will be something revealed in my interpretation that will be helpful, brought forth, or appear. More on that in a moment.
Finally, Bonatti addresses how to determine the outcome of the dream. To do this he outlines the following steps. He asks if in the dream chart, there is a relationship between the significator of the Dream (Saturn) Lord of the Ascendent (Mercury), and the Moon? By relationship, he is referring to Ptolemaic aspects which consist of the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. The Lord of Ascendant represents the person having the dream, a Taurus Mercury 18:41, and Pisces Saturn 07:03 the significator of the dream itself, are not connected by aspect. However, Pisces Saturn is connected to the Sagittarius Moon by an applying square. This by Bonatti’s method connotes a connection between the dream and dreamer. In this case my own astrological analysis would be that because a square is an antagonizing force, one that calls for action to be taken, it challenges, and pushes for growth that the native’s role (my daughter) is to both symbolically be on a mission to save things, but also to bring some important information out, be a revealer of sorts. When I later give my interpretation and dive into the dream itself there might be something to be uncovered that connects to this aspect.
Bonatti also says that if they all/two/or one joined with a benefic (which is Venus or Jupiter), usefulness and good will follow from the matters of house ruled by the significator of dream, houses 8 & 9. Looking again at the dream’s significator, Pisces Saturn 07:02 we discover an applying sextile to a Taurus Jupiter 03:55 which is placed in the 12th house. So, something useful or good is expected to rise from the 8 or 9th houses.
The final measure Bonatti puts forward is to look to see if the Lord of Ascendant, Taurus Mercury 18:41 (also the person having the dream) is joined (has an aspect) with the significator of the dream, Pisces Saturn 07:03. The answer in this instance is no, there is no connection. He further queries that if either of them is a malefic (Mars or Saturn), or joined to a malefic (by aspect) then something evil will come according to what is signified by a house ruled by that malefic. The answer to this is yes, the significator of the dream itself is a malefic, Pisces Saturn. This again brings us back to houses 8 & 9 which Saturn rules in this dream chart.
To then summarize the conclusions of the application of Bonatti’s method of interpretation to my daughter’s dream we learn the following:
The presence of Pisces Saturn in the 10th house of the dream chart is indicative of a dream that is true.
The nature of the dream is one that can incite or bring about fear due to Saturn being the significator of the dream.
The source of the dream involves topics of two houses that are ruled by Saturn, the 8th and 9th houses which in ancient astrology were the places of death and capture for the 8th and journeys for the 9th.
The qualities of the sign in which the dream significator is located is feminine and water. Respectively these represent high places or fear of falling, and boarding a ship and ship wrecks.
The effect of the dream is discovered through the modality of the sign in which the Moon is domiciled in the chart. Being mutable or common, something will appear from the dream.
The outcome of the dream is seen through aspects between the dream significator, the Lord of the Ascendant, and the Moon. Additionally, whether any of these are connected to a benefic or malefic planet or they are a malefic themselves. In this dream there seems to be both the good and useful as well as something bad that are indicated.
In Shamanic traditions, dreaming, which means all dream states, is the doorway through which Spirit is more accessible. By spirit I am referring to either a singular spirit, multiple spirits, or even our own higher-self. Spirit exists in all things – everything is alive and everything is interrelated. As for dreams—they are simply a reality in which this interdependent, living system of Spirit is expressed and experienced. In the Shamanic worldview, dreams actually represent something more real than our waking reality.
With that backdrop, I now offer up my interpretation of The Broken World dream. From its opening scene we learn that this is a “time travelling” experience. My daughter finds herself in the future. She is regaled by a vision of a gleaming, shiny, futuristic city that she describes as a “utopian world of metal”. However, in the midst of this city of “swirly and bright metal” buildings there is a fight occurring, one between robot men! Considering the recent developments that have dominated our world’s headlines in 2023 concerning AI and its potential dangers in the future (which seem to have come at a more frantic pace since Pluto entered Aquarius) such a dream seems in step with our current epoch. Elon Musk has had many recent interesting statements about AI, here are a few:
"We are already cyborgs. Our memory is overwhelmingly outsourced to computers – they remember everything with extreme precision down to the pixel."
Speaking at the WSJ CEO Council Summit, Musk said AI had the potential to assume control of humanity. The billionaire told the Journal's Thorold Barker: "It's a small likelihood of annihilating humanity, but it's not zero."
He said there was also a chance AI would assume control for "the safety of all the humans" and effectively become some sort of "uber-nanny."
"There is a risk that advanced AI either eliminates or constrains humanity's growth," he said. Adding that super-intelligence was a "double-edged sword."
Further she shares that she is with other children her own age and that they are on a mission. Of note, two females and one male, a trinity of sorts but one weighted to the feminine. Perhaps a foreboding of an energetic shift coming in the future. Will it be the feminine instead of the masculine that heals what is broken? Also of note, in a moment I will address a part of the dream during which the two females in the dream move on to a second mission, leaving the male (boy) behind. This interestingly takes place as she and the other girl find themselves in the past. My suspicion is that this signifies that what was done in the past that needs fixing has been predominantly led by masculine tendencies toward war, wielding power, and desires to conquer. A subtle message, but I believe part of this vision.
The dream implies a collaboration of robots and humans. A battle for which a purpose is not given. There is a clue, however, in that one robot destroys the other with their help and consequently the humans (children in this instance) are lifted up above the battle in what seems to be depicted a celebratory manner. In her words, “me and my two friends were lifted into the sky on a platform where we were then on a pixelated plane.” It's worthy of noting that pixilation is the means through which an image becomes discernible. Mission accomplished there is an emotion of wanting to go home but in this moment, she shares that “everything went dark”. The imagery here is profound and powerful, conjuring a picture of a theatre suddenly going dark after a scene in a live production. After a brief pause, the lights come back on to reveal more of the story, a second act.
She now indicates that she and her two other time travelers find themselves standing on the edge of a large Disco Ball. It was broken, it had pieces missing. This part of the dream seems to be indicative of the present state of affairs. They are in the now. Think of the significance of a Disco Ball, composed of hundreds of tiny mirrors, each reflecting light. Its role is not to generate the light but to receive it. As light hits a Disco Ball that light is dispersed in many different directions – filling the space in which it resides with a symphony-like light show that is captivating. In my daughter’s dream she explains that the Disco Ball…. “Represented the world and how the world had fallen apart.” In the dream they are standing on what is described as “this rickety ladder system that went in a circle around the ball. It had an old platform going around the ball and then ladders going down”
This seems to be a message that the very structure that surrounds the world is old, worn, and in terrible disrepair. The earth itself (as represented by the Disco Ball) is missing pieces. They replace a piece that seems to need to be replaced and then move on, leaving the boy on the platform. They once again drop into the darkness via the ladder system mentioned above. She describes this space in the following manner as represented in the dream- If you fell off you would fall into black abyss.
Once they descend the ladders, they find themselves on a Ferris Wheel. This represents the wheel of time. The description from the dream says this Ferris Wheel is “old and deteriorating” and the cars were “black and white”. A multifaceted symbolism perhaps signifying the “late innings” we are in when it comes to time as we know it. Of course, our souls are timeless but on this human journey we mark our experiences by this thing called time. The symbolism of “black and white” seems to point to a voyage to the past… playing to the fact that color photos and TV are a modern development. Much of the past is faded and distant, possibly represented by the observation in this dream that most cars had their “paint worn off” with the exception of one… which remained fully painted and caught the two girls’ attention. This was the car they chose to board, a powerful signal that there is some part of the past that must be revisited or recognized in order perhaps help with the healing of the broken world.
Also, a fascinating metaphor appears immediately after these fearless girls board the Ferris Wheel, they feel the wind. The wind is often associated with time and its passage. As an aside, when I googled the expression “winds of time” the first thing that appeared was a book… “The Winds of Time” Interestingly here is the description of that book:
“They were visitors from outer space. They had slept for 15,000 years. But they were men. Nevertheless it was a fantastic experience for Wes Chase to discover them while on a casual fishing trip. It was a long time before they were able to explain to West why they were on earth on what they needed. It was even longer before Wes conquered his horror and decided he could help them in their mission to bring peace to the universe. When West finally found the daring answer to their problems, he realized that he would have to leave his own life behind and go with them into the future and the winds of time.”
While feeling the wind in their faces, the girls suddenly find themselves transported yet again to another place and time. They now find themselves in a red car, in an old town, driving across a bridge that has the year 1933 emblazoned on it. This is where the dream ends with my daughter simply stating “we were on another mission”.
Though the briefest part of the dream it is here I believe the most important information is revealed. There are three critical details present. First, there is a red car. As an astrologer I happen to know my daughter’s birth chart quite well. She was born with an Aries Sun and Moon. Aries namesake comes from the Greek God of War, Ares, who was one of the twelve great Olympian Gods. In Rome the same God was known as Mars. And powerfully in this dream the vehicle that appears upon exiting the Ferris wheel is a red car. Red is the color associated with both Aries and Mars. It is the color of initiations, action, assertion, and high energy. Further, red is the color on emergencies and used to alert us. This is a perfect color for a mission.
Second, this car is crossing a bridge. Again, dripping with symbolism, we find that after having first seen the future, and briefly visiting the world as it is now, these two astral travelers now cross a bridge into the past. Keep in mind, bridges connect things and in this case a very specific point in the past… 1933. This third detail should get anyone alive today’s attention. Why 1933? Of all the years that could have appeared on this bridge, of which the possibilities are many, my daughter sees 1933. Before going into deeper detail about this, let’s just list a few events from that year:
Nazi party leader Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany
21st Amendment ends Prohibition in the United States
First stop-motion animation film released “King Kong”
The Great Depression
Franklin Roosevelt declares a “Bank Holiday”
The board game “Monopoly” is created
Dachau, the first Nazi concentration camp is completed in Germany
Strong winds strip the topsoil in Midwest creating Dust Bowls
Sanriku earthquake of 8.4 and tsunami hit Japan
1st airplane flight over Mt Everest
FDR announces US will leave gold standard
Executive Order 6102 which initiated the confiscation of gold
Mahatma Gandhi begins 21-day fast in protest against British oppression
Nazis stage public book burnings in Germany
Century of Progress world's fair opens in Chicago
US drops the Gold Standard
US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) created
Congress passes 1st minimum wage law (33 cents per hour)
Germany begins mandatory sterilization of people with hereditary illnesses
Albert Einstein arrives in US as a refugee from Nazi German
Swiss physicist Fritz Zwicky publishes the first evidence for the existence of dark matter
FM radio patent granted to American engineer Edwin Howard Armstrong
You may have already noticed, but this dream seems to reverse the normal order of evaluating time. Instead of past, present, future it pursues a timeline of future, present, past. What might be the mission of travelling back to 1933? Are there correlations between the now and then? Could we learn something from this specific point in time that potentially helps us avoid further brokenness?
When I first began examining 1933, I was stunned to discover some extreme parallels between the World’s Fair that took place that year in Chicago and the futuristic city visualized in the dream. The theme of the fair was technological innovation and its motto was “Science Finds, Industry Applies, Man Adapts”. Writers covering the opening of this Fair trumpeted a message that science and American life were wedded. The goosebumps moment, however, came when I viewed a promotional poster that was used. Here it is:
This reminded me of the description of the futuristic city my daughter saw in her dream. The architectural symbol for the Expo was the Sky Ride, a transporter bridge perpendicular to the shore on which one could ride from one side of the fair to the other. And amazingly in digging deeper I discovered at the opening of this World Fair, which is always a major production, the city of Chicago wanted something electrifying. The desire was to create something that would signify how far the city had come in 100 years. A unique idea was born that tied the 1933 World’s Fair with the 1893 World’s Fair which had also been held in Chicago. The plan was to use a beam of light to light up the Expo that first left a star in 1893. Quoting now from an article discussing this event:
“This is where Arcturus, one of the brightest stars in the Northern Hemisphere, plays a role. Astronomers at the time estimated that Arcturus was located 40 light years from Earth. The light emitted from Arcturus during the World’s Columbian Exposition would reach the Earth in 1933, in time for the opening of the "Century of Progress" Expo. Thus at 9:15pm on 27 May 1933, four telescopes located in different observatories captured light from Arcturus and focused it onto photoelectric cells. These cells then transformed the light into an electrical current that was amplified and sent to the Expo site on the shores of Lake Michigan.
The current lit up the floodlights before a crowd of 30,000 people gathered outside the Hall of Science.”
At this point I was beginning to sense that this dream represented my daughter and her astral companion were caught up in some kind of swirling vortex connecting multiple points of time all at once. Perhaps giving credence to time not being linear in nature but circular. Which if you think about the list above provides another interesting connection to this dream… Einstein immigrated to the United States in 1933. He was known to have theorized with his field equations to predict a universe which curves back upon itself, such that anyone traveling in a wide enough circle across the cosmos would return to the point at which they began their journey. As I mentioned, in the shamanic worldview everything is alive and everything is interrelated. The strange connection between the World’s Fair in 1933 and the futuristic visions they experienced, as well a disco ball earth reflecting light, at a minimum is fascinating. At its best it’s a magnificent alchemical blending of events in time given to us to see the potential errors in our ways in this present moment.
Before further examining other events from 1933 that seem to be whispering to us urgently its also interesting to note that the years 2023 and 1933 have a connection via the metaphysical philosophy of numerology… they both reduce to 7. The number 7 signifies the Greek deity Athena and the Roman deity Minerva (in case you missed it, two females) both goddesses of war and the city protectress. Further, people associated with the number 7 are believed to be intuitive, truthful, introspective, intellectual, and wise. Go ahead and say it, "are you kidding me?"
The elephant in the dream, so to speak, is that it was in 1933 the world experienced a flood of events not the least of which was the Great Depression that led to the rise of leaders who came to power who likely would not have during more normal times. The most notorious and well known of those being Adolf Hitler. Again, when I realized this, it immediately connected with our current environment. Though I won’t barrage you with the numerous headlines and references to the words Nazi or Nazis that have re-emerged and are being thrown around almost daily in 2023. Look no further than the Ukrainian war. It has seemed that the misguided Nazi ideology that embraced a belief in some being in a position of supremacy to others, which evolved into a totalitarian movement that even adopted eugenics is finding a new manifestations today. Many worry that practices being promoted in 2023 involving the sterilization and castration of adolescent children under the auspices of gender identity are echoes of eugenics. There are other atrocities being alleged in 2023 involving children that I will leave unexplored in this dream interpretation but suffice it to say, if remotely true, are facsimiles of the Angel of Death, Josef Mengele.
Mark Twain famously said “history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes”, this I believe captures the strange correlations between 1933 and 2023. There exists today a movement that is different from the overt nature of Nazi Germany. Like it or not elitism is alive and well along with the accompanying belief of controlling and dominating the masses. The Nazi’s burned books. On May 10, 1933, university students in 34 university towns across Germany burned over 25,000 books. The works of Jewish authors like Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud went up in flames alongside blacklisted American authors such as Ernest Hemingway and Helen Keller, while students gave the Nazi salute. Today’s version of this assault on information and opinions is showing up in the uniformity of the message being promoted in the media as well as the suppression or censoring of contrary opinions expressed in various forms of social media. If you don't agree with a particular idea, the message is "we will ban you". Again, as Twain points out, a rhyme that seems hauntingly familiar.
In 1933 there was also a financial crisis taking place worldwide. This period is notable as the beginning of The Great Depression. When FDR was inaugurated in March of 1933, the banking system had collapsed, nearly 25% of the labor force was unemployed, and prices and productivity had fallen to 1/3 of their 1929 levels. At one point the banks were shuttered for what was characterized as a bank holiday with all financial transactions being frozen to prevent a run on the banks. Hyperinflation in Germany is what many believe led to the ascension of Hitler. Meanwhile in the United States an extended drought and unusually high temperatures, and poor farming practice created what became known as The Dust Bowl. This resulted in cattle dying and many children becoming severely sick with “dust pneumonia” – it also caused bank closures, business losses, increased unemployment, and other physical and emotional hardships.
In 2023 we have seen the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and First Republic Bank. These three banks were bigger than the twenty-five that crumbled in 2008. Silicon Valley and Signature Bank are the two largest bank failures in US history. There is great controversy surrounding the bailout of these banks as their focus was private equity firms, venture capitalists, premium wineries, law firms, and the crypto world. Also, at the time of this writing, numerous economic reports are saying a looming food supply crisis as one of the world’s top threats this year. Inflation, environmental catastrophes, and fertilizer scarcity are issues overshadowing the world’s food. Again, not an exact repeat of 1933 but curiously reminiscent.
Another interesting and controversial parallel to 1933 is the 21st Amendment which ended the prohibition of alcohol and the recent movement to decriminalize cannabis. As of April of 2023, 38 states, three territories and the District of Columbia allow the medical use of cannabis products. And it is estimated that 13 other states are preparing to do so in 2023. So what is the problem or what are we to take from this similitude? Indisputably, alcohol has ruined many lives. It is estimated that 140,000 people die of alcohol related causes annually. This statistic doesn't account for the disfunction it creates. Today, cannabis (which actually does have many positive applications when used properly, like CBD oil) has had a destructive impact too. Cannabis changes your perception and sense of time, mood changes, impaired coordination, memory lapses, and problems with cognitive processes. By chance (and topic for a different blog) I had occasion recently to walk down a three block stretch in Harlem (New York City) at 7 pm. The wafts of marijuana smoke were overwhelming and the scene in front of me resembled something out of the Zombie Apocalypse. Unfortunately this is dark side of decriminalization.
There are many more connections that can be explored between 1933 and 2023. These have been some of the most glaring. As mentioned in The Broken World (Part 1) Edgar Cayce is quoted as saying "Dreams are tonight's answers to tomorrow's questions". I believe this is true. The dream my daughter was the beneficiary of was no coincidence. No doubt more insights and visions will be extracted from the collective unconscious in days to come by those ready to receive them. Many through the innocent and most vulnerable among us... the children. Ironically, it was children who were on a mission in this dream. Pause and think about that for moment. Inarguably it is the children who are under assault in today's world. Additionally, the dream points to the feminine (two young women) journeying to the past to remedy what has been broken. This too in my estimation is no coincidence. The message of this dream seems to be we must learn from the past or be doomed to repeat it.... a statement attributed to both Churchill and Santayana. May we each become the replaced mirrors of this dream, ready to shine the light on what is broken and needs to be fixed.