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The Broken World (Part 1)

Just like the oft repeated modern-day proclamation that “there is an app for that”, in astrology it can be said “there is a planet for that”. Through a series of ancient symbols that have been passed down from those who have gone before us, astrology opens windows of understanding that join the material and the non-material worlds into a mysterious symphony that can stir the soul. As these lines, circles, and other shapes help us to identify what are referred to as the actors in a horoscope, we glimpse the archetypal drives that define universal principles existing in all of us. They act as silent sentinels guarding our connection to spirit. It is through these sacred door keepers we can peer into the divinity streaming through all that is.

Armed with this understanding, and as I have grown in my own mastery of astrology, I find myself thinking symbolically as I observe events that unfold along my daily path. It’s interesting to hear someone describe something they experienced, process it in archetypal terms, then cast an astrological chart and see that the story is there, and often literally. If you are an astrologer, you know exactly what I am describing here. If you have had an astrological reading, you may have also experienced such transcendent moments. If you have no idea what I am talking about, that’s ok, keep reading.

On Saturday, June 3, 2023 my daughter (age 13) greeted me first thing in the morning to breathlessly announce that she had just experienced an amazing and vivid dream. After listening to her recount the details (which follow), I resolutely stated “well that must be Neptunes and Uranus’ handiwork” … Here is her dream in her own words:

The Broken World I was all of the sudden in a utopian world of metal. I was with a girl and a boy around my age that I didn’t know but felt familiar. We were almost in the future and we had some sort of mission. The downtown buildings were swirly and bright metal. There were robot men who inhabited the place and two were fighting. We were on the one robot’s side and once he had won, he shot a robot gun into the sky. Me and my two friends were lifted into the sky on a platform where we were then on a pixelated plane. Then everything went dark. We knew we had completed our mission but wanted to go back home. We were standing around this huge broken Disco Ball with pieces missing. The ball almost represented the world and how the world had fallen apart. We were on this rickety ladder system that went in a circle around the ball. It had an old platform going around the ball and then ladders going down. If you fell off you would fall into black abyss. When we first arrived from this place a piece was added to where we thought it would fit on the disco ball. Me and the girl were looking around when she started going down the ladder. I was afraid but followed her down leaving the boy on the platform. We started climbing down when we realized below the disco ball was a Ferris wheel. It was old and deteriorating and all the cars were black and white. All the paint had worn off until my friend spotted one car that was still painted and it was like the couple car. So, this was one continuous seat almost like a bench. We found our way to sit on it and the Ferris wheel kept moving. I was looking out of the Ferris wheel feeling the wind when we were now in a car that had just driven under a bridge. I was with my friend and I asked where on earth were we or better yet- when were we. We were in an old-fashioned town but I did not know where- it was America though. We were driving in this red old-fashioned car while we were investigating where we were when I looked to a bridge to see the year 1933. We were on another mission.

One might conclude at first blush that this, like so many dreams, seems like a bunch of gibberish or nonsensical misfiring's happening in the human brain. But this in my opinion is a very limiting view of the human experience. We all dream. Sometimes while sleeping and sometimes while awake. When asleep, we are experiencing the ultimate surrender of the ego. It is in this state I believe all of us can access the unconscious realm, a watery world possessing memories and information. Beethoven is reported to have heard many of his compositions while in the dream state, then awakening to write them down. A New York Times article from August 28, 1994 states:

“WHEN BEETHOVEN dreamed his piano sonatas, or so one theory goes, he dreamed them on instruments that had not yet been invented. By this thinking, the "Appassionata" and the "Hammer klavier" are conceptions bigger in size and resonance than the relatively small-scale pianos he himself had played on.”

And then there was Einstein. Famous for his dreams that turned into seismic changes in our understanding of the universe. In an article published March 19, 1993 by Sarah Schmidt writes the following:

In a vision derived from the theory that gravity stops time in a black hole, Einstein dreams that in the center of time, time freezes. Even the vision in which time branches into three dimensions has scientific backing.

Edgar Cayce, who is known as the sleeping prophet said of dreams:

"Dreams are tonight's answers to tomorrow's questions."

So, let’s now go back to those “silent sentinels guarding our connection to spirit”. The signification of dreams is embodied by the planetary body Neptune in astrology. Neptune was the Roman God of the waters and seas. As such, Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces, one of three water signs. In the astrological world, Neptune governs dreams, psychic powers, and creative pursuits. It represents a transcendence beyond the material world and into the non-material realm. It is here one brushes up against the veil and encounters the mystical. In the natural zodiac, Pisces is found in the 12th house – the place we experience all things hidden, our spiritual essence, and enlightenment. The other water signs are Cancer, governing the 4th zodiacal house, and Scorpio, governing the 8th zodiacal house. Remember this as I will reference it again as we look at the chart of the moment for my daughter’s dream.

I also mentioned to her that Uranus might be involved. Why so? Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius. Uranian energies deal in the currency of sudden flashes of inspiration, disruptions, and reform. It is under the guiding hand of Uranus we experience awakenings that assist us to break-free from the old and usher in the new. Uranus is on a mission to liberate and bring freedom to whatever it touches. Finally, Uranus is associated with electricity, the kind that brings innovation, change, and enlightenment.

With this background and introduction, let’s now turn to her chart to see what we can see… For the record my daughter sat next to me shortly after sharing her “special dream” as we opened her natal chart and added what are known as progressions and transits to the chart for the approximate time she recalled the dream having taken place. After a brief discussion, we determined that to be around 7 am. When she saw what I saw, she exclaimed “that’s freaky!” Here is the chart:

If you train your eyes on the above chart, at the bottom of it there is a slice labeled the “3” representing the third house. The innermost part of that slice being my daughter’s natal chart (with Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces, and her balsamic Aries Moon, as well as the sign of Pisces on the cusp), the second segment being her progressions, and the third segment being the transits. All cast for 7 am on June 3, 2023, the approximate time she believes her dream occurred. The most stunning part of this being that Neptune in Pisces is at 27 degrees and 29 minutes in this moment, which in astrological terms makes it conjunct (or said another way—in conjunction with) her natal Uranus at 28 degrees and 4 minutes of Pisces in the 3rd natal house. For those who are not familiar with the meaning of a conjunction in astrology it signifies two or more planetary bodies that are being forced to merge their energies together. Depending upon which planetary bodies, it can be easy for one body and hard for another. In this case, we have two transpersonal planets, Uranus and Neptune tied together. These planets represent our ascent into a higher consciousness and enlightenment so this is a union that shares a common goal.

So, let’s pause here for a moment and just let the simple fact sink in… The planet of dreams, higher consciousness, and enlightenment is in a cosmic dance (conjunction) with the planet of awakenings, flashes of inspiration, and liberation. Seems like a ripe atmosphere for my daughter to experience the dream described above. To add even more intrigue, the 3rd house of the zodiac is where such topics as air travel and other forms of transportation (Ferris wheels and automobiles), children (“with a boy and girl around my age”), communications of all types (the dream itself), elevators (“lifted into the sky on a platform”, “rickety ladder systems”, “I was looking out of the Ferris wheel feeling wind” ), messages and messengers (was this dream an attempt to share something with my daughter, which she in turn shared with me?), visits and visiting (she travels to and visits both the future and the past).

An analysis of the 3rd house would not be complete without noting that in the natural zodiac this is the Gemini house, ruled by fleet-footed Mercury. Who was Mercury in ancient lore? He was an androgynous messenger. He acted as a translator and interpreter of messages from the Gods. Hopefully, you are gasping right now and perhaps muttering something colorful… Yes, the perfect place/house to receive a prophetic, time travelling message from beyond.

I am going to conclude this part of the analysis of my daughter’s dream. There are more planetary bodies and houses involved and influencing this moment which I will examine in part two of The Broken World. Additionally, I will dive into an interpretation of what the actual dreams content might mean. Spoiler alert, it means a lot in my humble opinion. Throughout history there have been significant recorded instances of those who are young and innocent (and consequently the most open) receiving divine information and being able to still connect with the higher realms. It’s interesting to note that in the Book of Acts we can find the following words:

“And it shall be in the last days, saith God, I will pour forth my Spirit upon all flesh: And your sons and daughters shall prophesy…”

Maybe those imaginary friends children often describe aren’t so imaginary after all.


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