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That Constant Drip

One of the strangest memories I have is that of a leaky gutter on my childhood home. Why is this still ingrained in my memory? This constant drip had a major impact on the ground below, and also left a deep impression in my mind. How could such a seemingly small and insignificant thing like a leaky gutter over the course of a spring and summer leave a gaping hole in the ground below? I remember musing a at a very young age over the lesson and the metaphor this might represent. I know, even back then I was thinking about weird things.

But consider the metaphor. The constant drip of water, left undeterred, can wreak havoc on an object it is coming in contact with. Water is adaptable, though it is the second heaviest of the four elements existing here on earth. Water is contractive and it naturally moves down. It molds to its environment. Yet even in all of its mutability, it can subtlety and gradually change what it touches.

This leads me to the metaphor. Is there a constant drip out there that is impacting your life that is so subtle and stealthy in nature that it is going undetected or is being disregarded, but is slowly digging a hole or reshaping who you are? If you do an honest inventory of the self, the answer is a resounding “yes”, perhaps multiple drops of water. The beguiling aspect of these constant drips is that they seem so harmless at first but over time we start to sense we made a grave mistake not giving them more respect.

As an Astrologer, I could draw a correlation to the “constant drip” being symbolically represented by Chiron in the natal chart. Chiron represents “our wound” or gaping hole in our soul that impacts us. More often than not it deals with a personal issue that is an on-going source of frustration and pain. Chiron’s fingerprint frequently shows up as some form of psychic debris we are carrying or an unseen force in our life that keeps tormenting us in some manner. Like the constant drop of water from my childhood gutter, it’s there in the background slowly eroding us until we decide to deal with it.

In conclusion, find the drips. What is subtlety scaring or wounding you in some manner that left unchecked has the potential to mold and shape you into something you really don’t want to be? These drips can be our teachers. And when we find them, plug them, and stop the erosion we open ourselves up to discovering our higher selves and why we are really here.


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