Every twenty years Jupiter and Saturn come together in what is known in the astrological world as a conjunction. The most recent conjunction took place on December 21st of 2020 when father and son (Saturn and Jupiter) met up in Aquarius, an Air sign. Also known as the Great Conjunction, this event marked the beginning of a larger 200-year cycle during which these conjunctions will occur in Air signs. Changes from one element to another are considered markers in time that indicate a new era or a notable shift in the collective consciousness. This continuous cycle from fire to earth and from air to water is also known as the Great Mutation. Doing the math, with 200-year cycles it takes 800 years to move through all four elements. It’s important to note that the Great Mutation throughout history has been a harbinger of big changes in politics, social movements, and has been associated with the rise and fall of empires, the deaths of rulers and leaders, and new systems of governance.
What makes this event even more significant is that on its heels, Pluto, the great transformer, has also moved into Aquarius. This occurred on March 23, 2023. This acts as an exclamation point to the world as it enters a time during which all things “air” come into focus. The themes that will no doubt dominate will surround the acquisition, assimilation, exchange, and dissemination of data and ideas. Communication and technology will be super-charged. Air is the second lightest of the four elements. It possesses the quality of being hot and wet and as such it is considered expansive, active, dynamic, and it molds to its environment. The air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. The corresponding houses in the natural zodiac for these signs are the third, seventh, and eleventh. These are the houses of relationships.
Aquarius is a fixed air sign and it resides in the eleventh house of the natural zodiac. The energies of Aquarius are those of revolution, innovation, and a focus on the collective. The cornerstone of Aquarian philosophy is the facilitation of evolutionary and disruptive ideas that have the potential to reshape humanity. Aquarius is a progressive force that specializes in the non-traditional, the alternative, with a penchant toward being disruptive as well as brilliant. A futuristic sign, driven by independent thought that thrives on the unusual, quirky, and unique. Scientific thought finds its home in Aquarius.
When the planet Pluto ingresses into Aquarius it marks a time of great transformation on a collective level. Humanity hears the siren call to awaken to new ideas. The people tend to get restless and at its extreme this can lead to uprisings that are intense that demand the disempowerment of the old systems that can result in their destruction or annihilation… with the final goal being to evolve as a collective to a new level of awareness. Plutonian influences also bring about the urge to do a deep dive. While Pluto transits through Aquarius he is on a mission to eliminate what is no longer needed… in a previous blog I wrote the following:
“Think of Pluto as the grand eliminator, a cosmic hit-man of sorts, who removes what is no longer serving the greater cosmic agenda. He’s the shadowy figure, suddenly emerging from a dark alley and catching you by surprise. You gasp for air and your body begins to tremble from the encounter. But it’s the message he delivers that has the most impact. Pluto has a way with words. His powerful communications cut through the darkness revealing the hidden, purging the toxic, and intrusively bludgeoning and destroying what is no longer needed. Pluto is the lord of initiations, the type that are regenerative in nature, and deeply penetrating to the soul; whether it be the individual soul or the collective one. Pluto’s end game is transformation through the endless cycle of death and rebirth.”
While in Aquarius what we can expect to experience is the following… also from the blog cited above:
“Everything we think or accept as fact could get challenged. Whatever is now mainstream will likely be unrecognizable by the time we emerge from Pluto in Aquarius in 2044. It will be the era of the unusual, non-traditional, and alternative. If I have a cautionary note about this period is that there is the potential for a disconnect. Despite its celebrated tilt toward the collective and all things humanitarian, Aquarius can also be aloof and distant from human stuff like “feelings” and the “body”. When we combine the dominating influence of Pluto to the mix, an assassin’s mentality can take over. Harkening back to our shadowy characterization of Pluto, envisioning him likely shooting with a silencer on his gun and walking away muttering… “nothing personal, it’s just business”.
All of that said, Aquarius represents an idyllic vision of the future and how we as a society can get better. So, without a doubt, Pluto will be focusing his intensity on transforming the world. This unfortunately means something must die, so that something new can be reborn. Pluto will push hard for the collective soul to evolve to some new level of enlightenment. This undertaking can be disruptive and volatile. Think technology is amazing now, just wait. Though this could come with unintended consequences that may feed into the propensity of Aquarius to disconnect, blurring or destroying the lines between being human vs. being a machine. A technocratic society that we may end up regretting.”
Adding to the dramatic events about to unfold (and already unfolding, think Chat GPT, Neuralink ) there will be another very significant development occurring as the planet Uranus, modern ruler of Aquarius, ingresses into Gemini from Taurus where it has been since 2018. You can read more about Uranus’ journey through Taurus here: https://www.theclevelandshaman.com/post/uranus-in-history
This will occur on July 7, 2025. Uranus will move from earth to air… adding yet another illustrious character to the parade of planets activating the Great Mutation.
As the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus will have the upper hand during this transit. And what is the modus operandi of Uranus in astrological terms? Well, Uranus is a change agent. Uranus is electricity… sudden events, disruptions, flashes of inspiration, and enlightenment. What Uranus touches is instantly imbued with the desire to break free, be liberated, and reform things. On July 7th of 2025 Uranus will reach 00:00 of Gemini, a mutable air sign. This kicks off a stay that lasts from 2025 – 2032. A voyage during which a great part of the time Uranus will be trine to Pluto, with five exact hits (Uranus in an exact 120-degree relationship to Pluto) occurring.
Those dates are:
· July 18, 2026
· November 29, 2026
· June 15, 2027
· January 28, 2028
· May 9, 2028
There are two important things to understand about this. First, what is the sign of Gemini all about? Gemini is the poster child of versatility. Being one of the first “dual signs” of the zodiac, it is associated with the pursuit of several courses of action at once… leaving the impression of being somewhat inconsistent or distracted. What is really happening here though is a restless and curious quest of knowledge, ideas, and a big need to communicate. The key to Gemini’s success lies in the ability to adapt to new environments and situations.
Second, a trine is an astrological aspect. Simply stated, aspects are angles that planets form to each other. There are five primary aspects planets form, conjunctions (at the same degree), squares (90 degrees), oppositions (180 degrees), trines (120 degrees), and sextiles (60 degrees). These are known as major aspects and are all divisible by 10. The more nuanced element of aspects is that these angular relationships possess meaning as to how two or more planetary bodies might be interacting with each other. In the case of the upcoming trine between Uranus in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius we can interpret how these two transpersonal planets will be vibing.
The trine is an indicator of harmony. It overwhelmingly reinforces and amplifies the flow of the energies involved. Things seem to happen easily when a trine is present or activated.
Given the above factors, Uranus in Gemini being trine Pluto in Aquarius paints a picture of technological breakthroughs that are transformational to humanity coming at a frantic pace and seemingly with ease for the next several years. The strongest period being from July 7, 2025 and March12, 2029 during which the trine stays within its tightest range of orb. We are certainly seeing breakthroughs now; this will only exaggerate the swiftness of their occurrences. Take for instance that at the time of this blog being written, it was just announced that Elon Musk’s Neuralink has just received FDA approval for human trials. What is Neuralink you may ask? It’s a brain implant that is cosmetically invisible, and designed to let you control a computer or mobile device anywhere you go… with your thoughts!! Let that sink in a moment.
If Pluto in Aquarius potentially brings transformational events to humanity as whole, in the area of technological and revolutionary advancements… would this fit? Ahhhh yeah. And we are just getting started. Pluto will be passing through Aquarius for the next twenty years until 2043. Somewhere in the background I am hearing the refrain “please remain seated with your seat belts fastened until this vehicle has come to a complete stop!” It is going to no doubt be a wild ride.
The Uranus trine to Pluto period of this ride should be action packed. My prediction is that the gush of new innovation will be mind-boggling. Make no mistake it's going to be very disruptive. What was once science fiction will now be reality. The suddenness of it all will leave many frightened, worried, and unable to cope. That is the nature of upheavals to the norm throughout human history. Echoes of the book “Who Moved My Cheese?” written in 1998, a great read on “change”. As always, I encourage you the reader to have a set of personal practices that keep you centered and grounded at this time. Having a reliable island while in a sea of dramatic changes will be ever more important in the coming years.