Right up front, let me be clear, this is not a blog post knocking or criticizing religion. To the contrary, I only wish to examine what I see as distinct differences between the two terms. Can one be both? Without a doubt they can. I do think though, some religious practices actually act to hinder one being able to fully realize spirituality in its truest sense of the word. Spirituality is a broad concept with an allowance for a multiplicity of perspectives. But in a nutshell, it is a realization that we are part of something bigger than ourselves, that our souls are connected to a universal force that permeates all that is and ever has been.
It is in this recognition that we are able transcend the egoic tendencies of the flesh and move more fully into the divine rhythm underlying all of creation. Throughout known history, much has been written and said that speaks to this quest. It is through ultimately merging into this oneness that a peace envelops the soul, and a comforting whisper can be heard declaring… welcome home. Admittedly, such a state doesn’t arrive without effort. We must seek it. But there is no doubt that the rewards are worth the cost of the hunt.
Religion can aid in this search. However, in my opinion, one must be wary of becoming too obsessed with rules and practices that bear little resemblance to a true pursuit of our divine source. Divinity, God, Great Spirit, or whatever other names you might choose, can certainly be found in a cathedral, but also in the forests, the rivers, the trees, and remarkably in the eyes of everyone we come into contact with. Divinity resides in the butterfly’s wings, in the dolphin’s sonar, in the flower’s petals, and in the depths of the mighty oceans. Divinity permeates all of creation.
To the extent that a religious practice brings us closer to this life force, this sacred energy, and encourages one to seek harmony within its all-wise and perfect rhythm, I am an advocate. I have observed religious groups who truly do make a difference in people’s lives... engendering love, compassion, and kindness. When such practices, however, are based on eliciting fear and retribution, dictate a particular style of clothing, hair style or book containing all truth, I respectfully must deny such advocacy.
Spirituality transcends the boundaries of a church door or religious doctrine. Instead, it flows freely, is boundary-less and cannot be exclusively owned by a group or person. It is often when reducing a word to its component parts that we can glean deeper meaning. Spirit is the nonphysical nature we possess, the seat of our emotions and character, also known as the soul. By adding the suffix “ality” to spirit we encounter the state or condition of the soul. It is in that place we touch divinity and hear the eternal echo of our endless nature resonating throughout the universe.
Written by: Urban Shaman