In my work as a Shaman and Astrologer, I find myself most engaged in helping others identify negative patterns, and finding a way to break them. A common human experience seems to be looking at one’s life reflectively and wondering why the same negative or challenging things happen? Or why does it seem to go more easily for other people, rather than you?
My view is these patterns of behavior come from experiences accumulated over many lifetimes. Our experiences become us, a program operating in the background, and the lens through which we see life. Nothing we experience escapes this process. It gets carried from one lifetime to the next at the cellular level.
I have watched with interest recent proclamations by scientists about these links between our brain, cellular memory, and karmic patterns of behavior. A complete blueprint exists for our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. I know there are some who feel we come here a blank slate, waiting to have our life story written, but I am not one of them. I see life as a combination of fate (the aforementioned blueprint) and free will.
My work as an astrologer and shaman helps to identify patterns or archetypes that can both help and restrict you in your life. Gaining a greater understanding of oneself can help you break negative patterns, in turn, using the free will you have been endowed with, you can move to a new level of awareness in the evolution of your soul.
Though the natal chart in its entirety provides a complete picture of your blueprint, there are two areas of the chart I find most helpful in identifying patterns from the past and wounds that are affecting us in this life; the nodes of the Moon and Chiron. It is through where these points fall in your natal chart, I am able to help you understand karmic patterns, unresolved wounds, and how you can escape them and actually turn them into strengths. Thereby more fully realizing your potential.
Experience is our great teacher. This is not a dress rehearsal, this is a live production in process. Gaining a better understanding of the script you have been given in this grand play is so important. Instead of walking through life unconsciously, on autopilot, unaware of the script, I invite you to explore yourself on a level that will help you to break unwanted patterns. If you so desire, I can assist you with discovering repeating patterns in your life and helping you break free of them…