As a child, I found a particular behavior my grandmother exhibited to be quite odd. She was constantly saving things. Not as in stray animals that wandered across her path, but rather material things, like napkins for instance. We would go out to dinner, and if my grandmother was with us, she would gather all the napkins at the conclusion of the meal, even the used ones, and fold and stuff them into her purse. This proclivity extended to left over packaged condiments as well. When I would ask my mother why my grandmother was doing this, she replied “because she can use them again”.
You see, my grandmother had a different frame of reference than the rest of us. She was what we commonly refer to a “Depression Baby”. It was a stressful time. People were unemployed, families broken apart, and at one-point reports say more than 200,000 vagrant children wandered the country as a result of the breakup of their families. The Southern Pacific Railroad boasted that it threw 683,000 vagrants off its trains in 1931. This period of history left a generation with a scar that tainted the lens through which they saw things as they moved through the remainder of their life. My grandmother being one of them.
Part of our human experience, throughout time, has been our encounters with the sudden and unexpected. Floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and viruses have been part of that history. They are reminders that there are forces bigger than us that at any given moment can change our lives. Some ask where is “God” in these moments? To me this question has been answered long ago. “God” is present, watching, observing, permitting, and integrated into all that is. One must simply look backwards and see all that has unfurled throughout time to come to such a conclusion.
Wars, pestilence, famine, oppression, have raged on this planet for the whole of human history. They have not ceased but merely had times where for a season they have paused. This leads to me to ask you the following, dear reader: Can we all at least agree then it must be part of our individual and collective journeys to experience them? Or, that the great power and source of our very existence permits it all as part of something bigger and greater than we can perceive from our earthly vantage point?
Interestingly, it is in such times as our current circumstance, that I believe the unified field of consciousness becomes strongest. We are jolted into a state of sudden awareness of our interconnectedness. We see things now through a different lens and now see our dependency on one another. Things taken for granted are now being highlighted. Have you tried to find toilet paper this week? Or get a haircut? Truthfully, the disruptions to my life have been minor, but for some this has been an unmitigated disaster, for others it has resulted in death. This is a time for compassion, not anger.
Many have asked me as an Astrologer and Shaman if I saw this coming? The answer is yes… Covid-19 specifically, no, but tumultuous global change and awakening, absolutely. The indigenous people of the planet have been saying that at the turning of the ages, most recently marked by the year 2012, a great awakening would begin. But as before all births, there is a period of labor. This is a period during which awareness is being raised, albeit at times through painful developments and circumstances. Look no further than the prophecies of the Q’ero (the shamanic tradition I am trained in), the Mayans, the Dogon, the Navajo, the Aborigines, or the Cherokee.
The Astrology has also shouted loudly that 2020 was a year of great change and transformation on a global basis. Specifically, the great conjunctions of Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, with faster moving Mars visiting this trio right now. All of this has been taking place in the zodiacal sign of Capricorn, which corresponds with the big world: society, government, the spirit of the times, styles and fashions, public institutions, along with the weight of customs and tradition. Much has been written on this and for those so inclined I would recommend doing some further exploration. Suffice it to say, 2020 will be a year of transformation for us all. Of particular note, when I heard there’s a current belief (which may prove to be true) that this virus was related to a bat, I had to gasp at the awesome nature of Astrology to signify developments playing out here on planet earth. Bats, as well as viruses, are signified by the planet, Pluto. Further, Saturn is a planet we associate with isolation, restrictions, and being limited in some manner. Hopefully, you can see the connections.
In conclusion, I want to extend a Shamanic blessing to you all. May you find the answers within. May you grasp the messages you are surely receiving through these tumultuous times. May you become a better you, more aware, more compassionate, more understanding. May you recognize where you need to grow. May your shadows emerge, and may you confront and overcome them. May we all recognize our interconnectedness and need for each other. May we rise to the challenge of our time, and be a part of an awakening that pushes us to emerge from the clouds of our illusions.