With the new year beginning many are asking what astrology might have to say about how things might unfold in 2021. I wish I had something different to report, however, it seems that what got started in 2020 will very likely persist in 2021. This year, there have been an abundance of planets in what are known as cardinal signs. This represents an energy of getting things started and is associated with the zodiacal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Additionally, in the natural zodiac these four signs correspond with the angular houses, or the beginnings of the four seasons.
In 2021, there will be a notable shift of planets into the fixed signs (and some mutable) of the zodiac. This energy provides the follow-through for what the cardinal energy began. Fixed energy has the focus to stick to the task at hand. And what might that task be? It seems to be centered around matters of social unrest, revolutionary ideas, and a thirst for freedom individually and collectively. Our first glimpse of this came on March 22, 2020 when Saturn ingressed into Aquarius, journeying to 1 degree 57 minutes of Aquarius on May 10, 2020 where it stationed before retrograding back to Capricorn on July 2, 2020.
You may recall that this period of time coincides with the death of George Floyd and the subsequent civil unrest and protests that swept the United States in May and June. This acts as a potential preview of what may be coming now that Saturn has entered Aquarius in the Great Conjunction on Winter Solstice 2020. Though it is probably highly unlikely that we experience an exact rerun, activities and events that thematically coincide with rebellious, progressive and disruptive acts should be anticipated. Volatile situations are likely to be the theme of 2021.
Many times, a new year carries a signature planetary transit and for 2021 it has to be Uranus in Taurus square to Saturn in Aquarius. These two extremely different energies, while residing in fixed signs, will meet in an exact square on three occasions during the upcoming year. The first will be on February 17 at 7 degrees of Aquarius, then again on June 15 at 13 degrees and December 24 at 11 degrees. Keep in mind these represent a square at the exact degree, as these planets are closing in on these exact aspects, things will begin to unfurl that often reach their highest point when the same degree is reached. So, look at the 30 days prior to these dates for clues as to what might be developing.
It’s important to know what these two different planets are bringing to the table for what is expected to be a tense, challenging, and antagonizing debate that pushes for action in very critical and important areas of our daily lives. Classically, Uranus represents rebellion, freedom, upsets, change, disruption and awakening. It is also associated with electricity, thus electrifying things it comes in contact with.
When Uranus is in Taurus the spotlight of change and rebellion shines on matters of financial security and currencies, material security such as food and shelter, agriculture and farmers, architecture, art and artists, music and musicians, and what we view as possessing beauty. Examples of developments since Uranus first ingressed into Taurus on May 15, 2018 have been Miss America dropping the bathing suit competition from its contest, a surge of interest and investment in crypto-currencies, the wild volatility in the U.S. financial markets including the three worst point drops in the Dow Jones Industrial Average in history, a massive farmer’s revolt in India against new agricultural laws, Covid-19 virtually closing all the theaters on Broadway, and across the country, suddenly they were dark. Concerts — from symphonies to contemporary music festivals — were canceled, museums were closed and movie theaters shuttered. These are but a few of a long list of ongoing events that have occurred.
With Saturn domiciled in Aquarius, and in the sign that has as its modern ruler, Uranus, the expectation is of such that the normally order, safety, and rationally based energies of Saturn take on a different manifestation. Here Saturn turns its dedication and persistence to matters of social justice, the collective, and a quest for a more cooperative society. Established structures and traditions are questioned, reimagined, and upended in hopes of some higher ideal. What society is going to be obedient to, the rules we will follow, all are suddenly disrupted as the people lean toward non-traditional and alternative paths.
Looking at the three exact squares that Saturn and Uranus will make in 2021, there is no doubt that the seeds of tension and the impetus for rebellion, change, and disruption will be present. Things will be broken apart, reshaped, and questioned every step of the way. The beginning of 2021 promises to have a rather powerful start as the first square is ignited by an ominous pile up of planets in Aquarius adding fuel to its energies and with a very provocative Mars entering Taurus on January 6. This sets up a fiery conjunction between Uranus and Mars on January 20.
Mercury will enter Aquarius and join the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction on January 8. As the month of January unfolds, it appears we are in for some troublesome and intense moments. In the weeks building up to January 20 when the Mars/Uranus conjunction will square Saturn/Jupiter it seems there will be the potential for some heated debates and disagreements due to Mercury having joined the party. This will likely make communications more challenging, the collective thinking enflamed in some manner, and the potential for tempers to flare. And wondering out loud I believe there could even be some disruption of the internet or the power grid that occurs. This could be particularly pronounced around January 7-10th.
To make matters even more striking, the transiting Moon will be in Scorpio opposing Mars exactly on the afternoon of January 7. This is a date to watch as emotions may be running hot, and intense confrontations are possible. As we journey through a tumultuous month of January, ultimately arriving at the apex of whatever events are unfolding in February, when we reach the first of three exact squares happening on February 17, we will likely see order and structure capsized in favor of assertive disruptions aimed at idealistic changes.
This is how 2021 potentially begins. Remember though, it is all in divine order. When something new is being birthed there is pain involved. Societal shifts have happened through out human history. It is part of our collective experience. My advice is that you find your happy place in January and into early February. Seek a personal calm and peace in the midst of what may be a tumultuous sea. We will survive whatever is coming. Life will go on but know that all of our boats may get tossed around some before calmer waters emerge again. In closing I wish to share some famous words taken from Desiderata, written by Max Ehrmann in 1927:
“And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.”