It’s January 20, 2025 and it's 47 degrees in Washington DC. Ironically, the United States of America is about to swear in its 47th President. The custom of delivering an inaugural address to the nation began in 1789 when George Washington gave his acceptance speech on the balcony of Federal Hall in New York City. The longest inaugural address was given by William Henry Harrison, 8,445 words, on March 4, 1841—a bitterly cold, wet day. Tragically Harrison died one month later of pneumonia. The purpose of the inaugural address is to share the incoming President’s vision and to outline goals for the nation.
The past five years have been tumultuous. Between the pandemic, social upheavals, inflation, wars, and the increasingly invasive encroachment of technology, the people are tired and longing for relief. Can the 47th President deliver what the people are looking for? What does this moment hold in it that can bring hope to a people starving for something better?
Luckily, back in April of 2023 an ancient prophecy given by Nostradamus was discovered that describes in detail the nature of the 47th President of the United States, his term, and what we can expect as a nation. Found behind a wall in the cathedral of Saint-Caprais in Agen, France, Nostradamus left an astrological chart representing the moment that 47 will deliver the inaugural address. In writings found with this chart he claims that it contains the plotline for the next four years, January 2025 – January 2030. The warning whispered from behind this ancient wall is an urgent one, we are at a crossroads, so much hangs in the balance. Will the people rise up and demand the transformational change that is needed at this time in the world’s history.?
Here is a picture of the chart Nostradamus secreted away in the cathedral wall…
Remarkably, Nostradamus who lived during the 1500s, owned the only known color printer available in the world at that time. Equally astonishing is the fact that Nostradamus seemingly has knowledge of planets and asteroids that had yet to be discovered.
Scrolled upon an animal skin papyrus and written in French, Nostradamus shares his interpretation of this astonishing astrological chart representing presidential inauguration day, January 20, 2025. Beginning with the Aquarius Sun placed in the 10th zodiacal house, he describes the 47th President. As a side note, this is a remarkable coincidence that this is the day that has been selected for inaugurations. At one time it was actually held on March 4th but was changed to January 20, beginning in 1937, following ratification of the Twentieth Amendment to the Constitution. What this means is every president since the change has been represented by an Aquarius Sun that always falls in the 10th house.
In mundane astrology, the 10th house represents the government in general and the person or persons who rule that government. Further the Sun is the person ruling. So, as you may be gathering this is an auspicious placement. What this speaks to is the fact that every Presidential term since 1937 has been endowed with Aquarian energies. This is a desire and drive for innovative and disruptive change. The expectation being that the President will not go along with the usual, traditional, and instead offer up alternatives that are unique and disruptive to the status-quo. He or she will also have a humanitarian tilt that aims to improve the lives of the collective as a whole. There is an idealistic bent in the decision process. Aquarius deals in the currency of hope and visions of a better future.
What is obviously different with each President is the fact that they each bring into the office their own chart, and consequently their own Sun sign. This has a huge impact on how they execute the duties bestowed on them. The other factor is that the inauguration chart that Nostradamus prophetically draws upon contains information as to how the Aquarian/President role will be played out, complete with its strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and supportive helpers. We will examine that later as we evaluate the astrological aspects being made to the Sun in this chart.
On the aforementioned papyrus, Nostradamus expresses concern that the newly elected President of 2025 could pursue one of two paths. He cites a shadowy figure known as Hades who he claims will be constantly present during the 47th President’s term, influencing how decisions are made, power is wielded and who the nation will choose to become. Hades, also known as Pluto, was the ruler of the Greek underworld. If you locate the Sun on the above chart, a circle with a dot in the center at the top, you will see it is at 00:53 minutes of Aquarius. Immediately next to it is Pluto at 01:41 of Aquarius.
In astrology, this is known as a conjunction. It means the two energies are forced to act together, combine their efforts, a union of interests. Nostradamus points out that this is the mark of a Transformer. Someone who grasps the light and the dark, the warmth and the cold, the good and the bad. A person who has undergone their own metamorphosis of empowerment and has faced their own darkness as well as that of the world. Nostradamus goes on to say that this President will likely possess the quality of being an indefatigable survivor, and a master of reinvention. In its highest application, these combined energies manifest into a leader who because of their own deep understandings and experiences can translate that into helping the people find the tools to take greater control of their own lives. Leading the nation into a rebirth of sorts.
But then there is the warning. This marker, as Nostradamus describes it, can have a tyrannical and abusive side. Such a person could take us to the edge of annihilation and push for extreme control, attempting to take undue dominion over the lives of the people. This shadowy side of the Plutonian archetype has a manipulative and destructive leaning that at its worst becomes obsessed with power. The President could secretly align with nefarious groups with seditious intentions.
My hope is for the former rather than the latter…
Looking further at the papyrus scroll the next domain Nostradamus prophesied about is the military in all of its various forms, attacks on the country, and disputes, conflicts, and opposition that may arise in the period of 2025 – 2030. To offer up his insights he invokes the placement of Ares, the Greek God of War. The most widely used name for this Greek God in modern times is the Roman name Mars. The Egyptian name for this same archetype was Horus. In the fateful chart above of the inauguration, Mars is found in the sign of Cancer in the 3rd house, but Nostradamus also speaks as if it resides also in the 4th house.
On a deeply cautionary note, Nostradamus cites three important factors affecting Mars. First, Mars is retrograde at 23:24 of Cancer. Second, Mars is in fall. Additionally, Mars is in a state known as “out of bounds”. And finally, Mars is surrounded by three fixed stars, Castor, Pollux, and Procyon. Suffice it to say this does not seem to bode well for the military, police, or even attacks that may come upon the homeland.
When a planet is retrograde it speaks to its energy being turned inward. Retrograde planets can seem to be hindered from expressing externally, or be delayed or impeded in some manner. This is also an indication of subjectivity and introspection. With Mars domiciled in Cancer, Nostradamus foresees this as potentially speaking to a time when the military feels unable to protect the people. The impediment could be from any number of factors, lack of resources, to the emotional state of those serving. The ability of the military to respond with action may be blocked or obstructed.
When a planet is in fall it’s as if it has no place or resources to call its own. The state of expression is one of irregularity, instability, and being out of sync. In other words, our French astrologer, apothecary, physician, and reputed seer predicts that we are likely to see a military that is desperate, and acting in a manner that does not reflect what we have considered normal operating procedures for the United States military.
When a planet is out of bounds, placed at a declination north or south that exceeds the Sun's declination of 23 degrees and 26 minutes, it takes on a Uranian imprint. This speaks to a desire for freedom and revolution. This is the energy of the rebel who hears their own drummer and acts independently.
Mars is conjunct three fixed stars at the time of the 2025 inauguration. First, there is Castor. This star is associated with misfortune and also associated with nervous breakdowns. Second, there is Pollux. This star is associated with tyrannical actions, violence, and brutality. And third, there is Procyon. This star is connected with hastiness, a quick rise to power followed by a quick fall from that same high position.
When taken in their totality these factors paint a picture that represents a challenging time for the United States Military, for law enforcement in general, and a struggle to take action and control when disputes and conflicts arise.
Also scrolled on the margin of this portion of Nostradamus’ musings are some cryptic references to communications and information being interrupted as well as concern for the safety of the people… but the writing is barely legible and part of the papyrus is missing. From what we do have he highlights the reality that wherever Ares (Mars) is located the country can expect stress to be present. Due to Mars being in the 3rd house Nostradamus warns of a variety of potentialities. There can be dangers from accidents, troubles with transportation, whether that be railways, vehicles, or aviation. Further he mentions disputes arising over education of the children, conflicts with media, and potential interruptions of communications in general. As an aside, this correlates strongly with the placement and condition of Mercury in this inaugural chart, which is discussed in detail later.
Next, Nostradamus turns his attention to the people. You can find the people represented by the Moon glyph found at 18:31 of Libra in the 6th house. Astrologically speaking, when the moon resides in the zodiacal sign of Libra there is a great need for equality, justice, and balance. This indicates the people will be focused on these themes. There will be a push for harmony and peace. Further with the moon placed in the 6th house there is an emphasis on public health – both physical and emotional. Here we also find duty to the country and the work we do. In the 6th house we also find civil servants such as the Army, Navy, and soldiers of all types. Perhaps the push for greater balance between our duties, work, and the need to be mindful of our physical and emotional health as a nation becomes the highest priority.
There is something that Nostradamus ominously hints at in his discussion of the Moon in the 6th house. He points to the aforementioned afflicted Ares (Mars) in the 3rd house being in a tense relationship (in astrology this is known as a square) with the Moon. The friction that results could bring about some challenges in matters of health (as if the pandemic wasn’t enough) that could result in great discontent among the common man. Interestingly, he also cites discontent among the Navy but does not elaborate as well as food shortages or scarcity.
Moving to the domicile of Mercury, referred to in Nostradamus’ writing as Hermes, we learn his thoughts about the media and what its status will be as the new president is sworn in. Once again it is important to understand that in mundane astrology, which is basically what Nostradamus is sharing in this papyrus, Hermes (Mercury) represents the news, media, or what is also referred to as the press. Also, Mercury is associated with writers, speakers, teachers, and matters of debate, particularly political debate. In the 2025 inauguration chart, Mercury is in the 9th house.
The 9th house placement of Mercury can mean several things. The scroll makes special mention of the fact that Mercury is out of bounds (see explanation given above about Mars) as well as being conjunct with Pallas. Astrologically what this brings to Mercury is a maverick behavior. Out of bounds planets don’t like to follow rules. Being conjunct with Pallas there could also in this instance be a split in psyche, one in which one is too much in one’s own head… worshiping rationality and logic at the expense of instinct and intuition. As a side note, neurologists have found that logic and reasoning faculties do not function accurately without the inclusion of emotion, instinct and feeling. Hold that thought as it appears from something Nostradamus later points out, in his discussion of the Grand Cross, is that our intuitive and feeling selves (some may call it connection with spirit) will likely be the remedy for the difficulties faced during the 2025-2030 journey.
Circling back to Mercury in the 9th house, Nostradamus suggests this will without a doubt continue to spur an increase in activity in the scientific realms, as well as art, philosophy, and religion. He cautions, however, that Mercury is being affected by Mars, as they are in opposition to each other in this chart. This he predicts will ignite a lot of public excitement, extreme feelings, and angry discussions. There will be disputes, cases of libel and slander, and activities in the courts and in politics.
Finally, Nostradamus gives the citizens of the United States hope in the midst of all of the difficult prophetic predictions. He cites the presence of an Aries Chiron, the wounded healer being co-present with an Aries Hygeia, the kundalini goddess of healing in the 12th house of the January 20, 2025 chart. Mercifully, these two energies seem to come together right on cue. The 12th house in the natural Zodiac is the Pisces house. It is here we experience intuition, compassion and spiritual transcendence. Will this be the long-awaited time of healing the country/world has longed for? Will the divine masculine and divine feminine energies unite in a sacred marriage? Though their ways are without a doubt different, they are also complementary. Chiron desires to pierce our wounding in order to extract our deeply held psychic and emotional scars, and Hygeia beckons us to surrender to those same emotions in a blissful release that brings a spiritual awakening that offers the peace we so desperately need.
Nostradamus finishes this amazing scroll with two simple drawings. The first one most of us we would quickly identify as a large plus sign, but he refers to as a Cardinal Grand Cross. At the corners of the cross he writes fire, earth, air, and water. He then describes the tug of war this defines. It's like four alphas battling for supremacy. He further designates these points as the military, media, the people, and the healing. On this cross the battle will be waged and on this cross a healing can also occur.
The second drawing appears to be the same plus sign minus one arm. This he calls a T-square. The drawing deals with an important influence that the newly elected President will have to navigate (an opposition to Mars) and remarkably the remedy for this challenge... the Chiron/Hygeia conjunction. The opposition to Mars speaks to disputes, quarrels, and disagreements either at home or with other countries, or even with the domestic military. Further, this President may find a large challenge stemming from accidents and fatalities, environmental disasters resulting from storms, a discontented public, and a deteriorating public attitude toward the trustworthiness of the media.
Our 47th President it seems is being called upon to embrace the title of Healer in Chief rather than the traditional Commander in Chief.
Transporting ourselves briefly to Agen, France we look in on Nostradamus. In the darkness a small room and seated at a quiet desk, Nostradamus sits staring at all he has written under the flicker of a single candle. Cautiously placing his quill pen back in the inkwell he whispers into the night… “l’amerique a toute Vitesse… choisis sagement” The visions he has just experienced leave him trembling, yet hopeful.
And to this I add, amen brother… amen.
May the people awaken.