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Going There

The end of 2021 will be a time of many significant astrological events. One of the most significant will be the final Saturn/Uranus square taking place on December 24. You can read more about this here: . A few days before this exact square, the nodes of the moon will continue their normal retrograde path, changing signs into the Scorpio/Taurus axis on December 22. This happens every 18 months, or every 1 ½ years. The nodes of the moon pass through all of the Zodiacal signs over an 18 ½ year period. The nodal axis presents a challenge; learn the new lessons of the north node while releasing the resisting energy of the south node.

What are the nodes of the moon you ask? Astronomically the Moon's nodes are the two points where the lunar orbit passes through the plane of the ecliptic (the plane of the earth's orbit around the Sun). The north and the south nodes always fall opposite each other, and in interpretation it is often this nodal axis or line which is important. The lunar nodes form the backbone of evolutionary astrology. Their symbolism pertains to destiny and karma. The nodes are not planets, rather points reflecting where the moon’s orbit crosses the ecliptic.

It’s important to recognize and dissect the components that are part of determining the positioning of these two deeply meaningful loci. The big three so to speak, are the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth. The Sun being the spirit, the Moon being the soul, and Earth being the body. The picture that emerges when we view the nodes of the moon through this prism is one that brings greater focus to a soul’s unresolved past and a suggested path that can bring resolution.

It is at the points where the soul (Moon) would touch spirit (Sun) that an astrologer can peer into the life path of that the soul is travelling as it enters a body (Earth). However, this represents a single moment in time. The Universe keeps rolling along and as it does, so does the energetic dragnet it casts. Every 18 ½ years since you were born the moon's nodes have cycled through all of the Zodiacal signs and as they have the energetic pull on the world at large has undergone shifts. Think of it as cosmic music playing in the background. As the music changes, what we learn, experience, and feel as a collective also changes.

On December 22 the music we hear will begin playing the Scorpio/ Taurus concerto. This shift will bring attention to our hidden matters, the shadows, and the deep psyche, highlighting an elemental polarity between deep, intense and watery Scorpio, and earth, the comfortable, easy-going, and steady realms of Taurus. Both signs are feminine in nature, whereas the previous axis of Sagittarius-Gemini was masculine in nature. We are in for some troubled waters I suspect, where we have to talk about the stuff we don’t like to talk about and find a way to release it. Collectively, humanity is going to have to “go there”.

When we consider that the USA is also entering its Pluto Return in February 2022, it’s hard not to see the synchronistic connection with the shifting nodal axis -- you can read more about the USA Pluto Return here: Pluto is the modern ruler of Scorpio. As the USA enters this time of transformation when the penetrating shadow of Pluto illuminates’ secrets, shadows, obsessions, and power-struggles, the south node of the moon in Scorpio acts an as exclamation point! Creating a ghostly echo that cannot be ignored.

This will be a great opportunity for us all to clean our house. We may find ourselves opening closets that haven’t been opened in years. Dusting shelves that have been sorely neglected. But as we do there will be a feeling of renewal come into our lives. A cathartic exercise of empowerment. One that evolves the collective soul toward a better path, one steadier and more practical and less chaotic and fear based. Such exercises are never easy, but truly worth it. This is a time of healing. One where we resolve to let go of our obsessions and fears and opt for a more grounded serenity. It will be in the silence of Taurus that we finally hear what is most important.


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