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Fall- A Time of Release

Twice a year, our planetary cycle brings the eternal dance between light and darkness into balance. For a moment in time, there exists equality between the two. These brief periods are memorialized as the equinoxes, when the Sun crosses our planet’s equator. Though the same, respectively, they represent something quite different. Spring equinox (also referred to as Vernal), marks the time in which light begins to increase daily, until it peaks at the summer solstice. Fall equinox (also known as Autumnal), ushers in the period of time where darkness begins to eclipse light, ultimately peaking at winter solstice.

All living creatures have a response to this shift. As autumn rolls in, with winter right behind it, we residents of the northern hemisphere watch birds migrate, insects bore deep into the earth, while others lay eggs capable of surviving the winter. Some animals and reptiles hibernate such as bears, skunks, chipmunks, snakes, turtles and frogs. These are all instinctual actions. On an unconscious level, this spontaneous behavior is rooted in the changing light. Along with this comes a change in temperature.

We also observe changes in the plant world. This is thought to be why we use the word “Fall” to describe this seasonal change, as we watch leaves changing colors, releasing from trees, and gliding gently through the air to the ground. A symbolic letting go…

In astrology, the houses that are contained within the three months/zodiacal signs representing Autumn are houses 7-9. The theme and focus of these houses are close relationships with others, connecting in an intimate way, exploring the deep parts of ourselves, sharing of resources, death, transformation, and learning from the wisdom of our experiences so we can find meaning. Its no coincidence that these align with what the happens naturally in the world during this seasonal change.

If we equate this season with moon phases it most closely aligns with disseminating and last quarter. These are the phases that encompass the energies of release, service, nurturing others, breaking down, readjusting, transitioning, and decomposing. The disseminating phase marks a turning point on the journey. Up through the full moon, or summer solstice being the seasonal equivalent, the task has been for our soul to create a sense of identity or ego out of the raw material of the unconscious. As we reach autumn, the shift is back to the collective unconscious—or the source we came from. It is also the period where we empty out all we have gathered and collected and share it with others. Which, is strongly correlative with the “fall harvest”.

The last quarter phase of the moon, also resembles autumn. The most obvious way being the equality of light and darkness. It is in this phase that the focus turns inward toward the subconscious, intuition, and imagination. This phase is linked to the world at large, but with a more inward focus than outwardly. As an interesting aside, I find it apropos that one of my favorite psychologists, Carl Jung, was born during a last quarter moon.

As we collectively enter the beautiful season of autumn, I wish to challenge us all to release those things that are no longer serving us. Reconnect with others in our lives, exchange knowledge, explore our deepest self, share stuff, and examine where it is that we find our deepest meaning. Soon enough, it will be winter again. That is a different time, where new dreams percolate below the surface awaiting an opportunity to emerge in spring. But now is the time to reflect on life, gather around a fire, sip hot cider, share moments with others, and recognize the cyclical lesson mother nature is showing to us. It is in the letting go that you will find what you are looking for…


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