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Your Port of Entry

In its purest sense, a port of entry is that place where an alien is permitted to enter a country. The image it evokes is that of a traveler voyaging from some distant location to a place where new experiences are to be had, new knowledge garnered, and lessons are to be learned. Where and when you enter one of these ports, has a correlative impact on the events and occurrences that come to pass.

Astrology, extends this concept to our entry into this earthly realm. It is at your birth, as you draw in your first breath, that you in turn attach to the wheel of time and receive an imprint on your soul that acts as a time stamp of what it was the universe was expressing in that singular moment. This time stamp acts a promise of what the future could potentially hold for you. As the events of your life unfold, there are times in which you will sense or feel the deep impression your port of entry has emblazoned on your anima.

The promise which I speak of, isn’t all activated at once. It is a process that unfolds as you enter the stream of time and drift through the changing energies that envelop us all. As these energies shift and change, they will activate various promises held in the form of your unique potentialities. Think of your port of entry (which can also be called your natal chart) like a record that has a song engraved within its grooves. That song would and does remain silent, until a needle is dropped onto its surface to reveal the song hidden in its circle. This record can be viewed as metaphor of your natal chart, or the aforementioned port of entry, and the needle is the continued movement of the universe in relationship to that chart, or said another way, the flow of time. This is how your song comes to together.

And like the structure of a song, there are various parts of your promise that unfold at different moments. Generally, the flow is an introduction, verse, pre-chorus, chorus, and bridge. If you have ever witnessed a musician learning a new song, it requires lots of practice and dedication. Early on the song can sound a bit choppy, broken in places it shouldn’t be, but in time it can come together into a captivating melody. Your natal chart (port of entry) is much the same. With practice, dedication, as well as understanding the promises contained therein, you can bring forth “your song”.

It is important that you know what the promises are that are given as a result of your unique port of entry. Astrology helps you to understand that. In describing the birth moment, Benjamin Dykes, an esteemed astrologer and researcher stated:

“So, we can never fully embody, at any given time, our nativity. All we can experience is either part of it moment by moment, or we can experience it in greater or lesser degrees at any moment. So, it’s a life we are supposed to have, you could say it’s decreed by the mind of God, it’s a reflection of our place in the universe, and yet there is a kind of division between us and the nativity, because we live in time.”

To more fully understand the promises your birth moment holds, as well as where you are in the river of time, I encourage you to talk with me or another professional astrologer. You will be surprised at the breadth and depth of insight that can be realized by doing so. In my estimation, life is two things, fate and free will. Fate from the perspective that we do indeed possess an energetic imprint that colors our experiences in this life. Some call this the soul, others the daimon, and yet others the archetype. Free will also plays a critical role. I consider it to be the arbiter of how closely we ultimately come to realizing our fate. The interplay of these two factors, and your response to them, will determine how much your life resembles the promises held at your nativity.

Written by: Urban Shaman

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