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Clocks vs Vortexes - Part 1

It’s just around the corner. The third and final Saturn square Uranus of 2021. This ominous combo started with the first exact square (at the same degree, different zodiacal signs) occurring February 17th, then again on June 14th, with the final square of 2021 coming on Christmas Eve, December 24th. When two planetary bodies experience 90 degrees of separation, they are said to be square to each other. In the astrological world, a square is a signification of conflicting energies, those that compete or challenge each other, creating friction and forcing an action to occur. The outcome being some needed growth or lesson learned.

One way of looking at Saturn square Uranus is to imagine tectonic plates moving under the surface of the earth. As they inch closer and closer to contacting each other, pressure mounts, releasing as they collide. The result? A seismic shift, an eruption of sorts. In order to understand the potential shifts or eruptions we the people, or society in general may experience, one must understand the significance of Saturn and Uranus in astrological terms.

Saturn has come to represent boundaries, limitations, restrictions, and rules. Uranus on the other hand signifies the opposite, such as freedom, rebellion, coloring outside the lines, and sudden shocks and upheavals. These two planets contrast the old vs the new, the traditional vs the alternative, the calm vs the tempest, and clocks vs vortexes. Its as if Mister Rogers and Alice Cooper are being forced to have dinner together when these two planets square up in the sky.

It is important to understand that Saturn is the last planet visible to the naked eye and that it is said to rule over time and the material world. Contrast this with Uranus, which is invisible to us without the aid of a telescope. Consequently, Uranus signifies the unseen, realms that transcend the material, intuition, and enlightenment. It’s a promise that there exists something beyond the material world as we know it.

And so, it has been with measured trepidation that astrologers have anticipated this awkward dance that has three acts this year, each giving us pause as we watch the tension unfold. Picture the Michael Flatley dance-off scene from Lord of the Dance (watch here: ). Imagine Michael Flatley is Uranus and the masked competitor is Saturn. It’s all there if you pay attention down to a shirtless, renegade Flatley vs a darkly clad, uniformed, and masked competitor vying for superiority.

A magical sprite from beyond the veil appears at the right moment, playing an Irish flute, inspiring and awakening in Flatley the courage to challenge and conquer the old guard. Which he does in dramatic fashion, ending with a lightening like blast (very Uranus) that leaves his competitor (Saturn) missing from the stage.

As we prepare for the third and final square of Saturn and Uranus for 2021, I encourage you all to find your happy place. I wish I could say that it will be smooth and calm but that is not what this dance is about. This dance will bring change and if you look at the events thus far in 2021, we can see this battle already unfolding. In part two of Clocks and Vortexes I will dive deeper into the realm of prediction and what I see coming as we near December 24th. Until next time, I leave you with a quote:

Do not be afraid; our fate cannot be taken from us; it is a gift.

Dante Alighieri


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