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Clocks vs Vortexes - Part 2

The brief story I am about to tell you concerns an experience my family had while on vacation. I was fourteen years old. We had been traveling for several days by car, and on this particular day we had just crossed the state line into Kentucky. It was a stunningly clear summer morning and all seemed right in the world. That was until we entered the intersection.

The traffic light had just turned green as we approached and consequently, we proceeded to pass through. That moment which consisted of seconds was later perceived by all of us as hours. The last words I heard my dad utter as I glanced toward the driver side of the car from the backseat was “hold on we are going to get hit!” I braced myself for the collision as there was a car racing directly toward us at what I would estimate was twice the allowable speed limit and now only 15 feet from our car.

There was no impact. In fact, there was no intersection. There was no town. Suddenly, we were outside the town, on a quiet stretch of country road, literally asking ourselves “what happened to the car?” And “how did we get here?”. Time was erased. A swirling mass of something had saved the day and we were left searching for the “whys and wherefores”.

I have never shared this story before. I recognize that for many this an incredibly complex experience to consider. It was for us. It defied our understanding of how things worked and brought unanswerable questions up. There exists to this day an awe and reverence whenever this extraordinary moment is recalled.

This is an example I can point to in my life where I can without hesitation say I/we left the clock and entered a vortex. A portal opened and seemingly warped reality as we knew it and in the twinkling of an eye changed the course of events. I believe we are currently in one of these moments as a collective. As an astrologer, the planetary sentinels are currently signaling a period during which time itself, the rules of operation, authority, and conventionality are all being challenged.

Uranus first entered Taurus in 2018 and won't complete its journey in the sign until 2026. This kickstarted a period collectively when we entered a time of rebellion, innovation, debates, and upheavals. It helps to understand what Taurus signifies. Painting Taurus with broad brushstrokes, the big themes that are most applicable to the collective are:

· Banks and Banking

· Investments

· All things money

· Farming

· Cattle and Hogs

· Possessions of all kinds

· Manufacturers

· Art and Music

· Culture

· Femininity

· What we value (not necessarily money or possessions)

When freedom seeking, rebellious, disruptive, and awakened Uranus makes its way through the sign of Taurus it goes without saying “things are gonna change!” Think cryptocurrency (money), border control and immigration issues (culture), Beyond Meat stock offering (cattle and investments), inflation (money), meat shortages (cattle and hogs), disruptions in supplies and inventory (manufacturers), vertical farming (farming), birthing people (femininity), Covid shuttered Broadway and musicians stayed home (art and music), people quitting jobs in record numbers without a plan (what we value), ranchers building their own meat plants (cattle and hogs) these are just few from a long list of Uranus in Taurus events that could be cited.

As if this was not enough, 2021 has been marked by a back-and-forth dance (a hard aspect known as a square) between Saturn and Uranus. This dance is one of provocation. Each planetary body antagonizing something in the other. A tense collusion of interests that competes, challenges, and forces action.

Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius, currently resides in the early degrees of Aquarius (ironically the sign that Uranus is the co-ruler of). Being the taskmaster that Saturn is, this is a time of commitments and dedication to the what’s good for the collective and most likely revolutionary in nature. The last time Saturn visited technological Aquarius was back in 1994, this was around the time the world wide web was invented and began to grow by leaps and bounds. With Saturn back in Aquarius expect more technological advancements. Think electric cars, robots, and virtual reality. Aquarius is also very socially oriented, about the collective, so this is a period where activism in many shapes and forms will rise up.

So back to the title of this blog and my brief introductory personal story. Saturn is about traditional time—the kind we measure with clocks and calendars. Uranus on the other hand scoffs at time and much prefers vortexes. Moments or openings in the time/space continuum that transcend traditional understanding and rules—coming on suddenly, shockingly, and representing an upheaval of the status quo.

Like the vortex mentioned in my personal story, the changes brought on by the antagonizing alchemy of Saturn square Uranus are manifesting as volatile and abrupt interruptions pushing on us all to see things differently and providing inspiration to move humanity forward. The electric zeal of Uranus awakens Saturn to a new reality. This is the vortex effect. And as a result, humanity is left a bit dizzy by the upsets, rebellion, and bizarreness of events occurring all around us.

In closing, recognize we are passing through a vortex. One from which we will ultimately emerge. The world is in midst of a grand awakening, a time of inspiration, revolution, and magical innovation. Old and New have met in the cosmos, locked horns, and are fiercely entangled in a battle royal. Fasten your seat belt because the ride is going to get circuitous—but as always, we can only trust that its all-in divine order.


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