Recently I have had reason to ponder the circle. Its ubiquitous. If you have a mirror nearby, take a peek, the reason you are interpreting the symbols written here is due to circles known as the eyes. What is additionally amazing about our eyes, other than the fact that we see things with them, is they bear an eerie resemblance to the Universe. Check out the picture at the top of this blog post...
How synchronistic that we would view our life’s journey through these remarkable circles that so closely emulate distant nebulae and galaxies that we desperately seek to comprehend. Are our eyes remembering?
It’s also fascinating to me that we need water to survive, in fact, without it, we can last about a week. Our bodies are 60% water. And here the circle appears again. Almost all liquids we consume, we do so through a circular straw, circular glass or cup. To further expand on the mystery, when you drop a stone in still waters, you witness concentric circles, travelling ever outward until they disappear. Oh yeah, and water is, H2O, get it?
If we are going to cite water, we can’t forget food. You guessed it, it enters our bodies through a portal we call our mouth. Yes, it’s a circle too.
And how about this, when you enter or leave a room, you grasp and likely turn a circular doorknob (I know not all doors have circular knobs), that then allows you passage into a new space. Once again, it’s the circle that is facilitating our journey.
Then there is the wheel. This little creation is no doubt due to our recognition of the circle being omnipresent. This one, changed everything. Not only is the circle the basis for the wheel, which, with related inventions such as gears, makes much of modern machinery possible, its inspired mathematics, the development of geometry, astronomy and calculus.
Oh, and who can forget this one, your grand entry into this existence took place through a voyage in a circular canal, that led to a circular entry point. Much to the dismay of your mother! Before this journey you were one with your mother, then suddenly you were a separate person being raised by giants.
Of course, the obvious one, Earth. Our mother, where we are nurtured and sustained.
Is it any wonder that history is riddled with civilizations that worshiped and held rituals that centered around the circle? There are fire circles, drum circles, sacred circles, magic circles, healing circles and the list goes on.
As a practicing western astrologer, one of the most powerful and meaningful places the circle shows up is the zodiacal circle. It is within the bounds of this circle; the planets are placed at the moment of your birth in various signs and houses. The zodiacal circle, is divided into twelve different houses representing various aspects of one’s life. It through this circle that a skilled astrologer can provide insight, advice and help to you as you proceed through this circuitous journey.
Behold, the circle, where would we be without it?