In our modern-day comings and goings, we frequently find ourselves in venues that have background music playing. This can range from the restaurants we eat in, the stores we shop in, to the elevator we choose to step in. We even play music when we are driving our cars or sometimes through earbuds as we walk or exercise. This sets a tone. What we are hearing can impact us profoundly and manifest in a multitude of ways. We can be inspired, saddened, encouraged, anxious, calm, and even angry as a result of the music we are exposed to at any given moment.
If you think about it, music is an unseen force in our lives. There is nothing visually present that we can look at or point to. Music is vibrational in nature, creating a range of sounds that we have identified as frequencies/notes. There is no doubt that we all have experienced both dissonant and resonant responses to various types of music.
I recently wrote a blog entitled “Going There” (you can read it here: in which I made the following observation:
It is at the points where the soul (Moon) would touch spirit (Sun) that an astrologer can peer into the life path of that the soul is travelling as it enters a body (Earth). However, this represents a single moment in time. The Universe keeps rolling along and as it does, so does the energetic dragnet it casts. Every 18 ½ years since you were born the moon's nodes have cycled through all of the Zodiacal signs and as they have the energetic pull on the world at large has undergone shifts. Think of it as cosmic music playing in the background. As the music changes, what we learn, experience, and feel as a collective also changes.
Since December 22, 2021 the cosmic background music that the world has been serenaded with has been the Scorpio/Taurus concerto. That will end on July 17, 2023. During this time, we have been exploring shadows, learning of secrets, and peering into the manipulative power struggles that our world is awash in… It has been a period of bringing up all that needs to be purged and attempting to release it so that we as a society can experience a rebirth of sorts—which seems to be a forerunner to the upcoming ingress of Pluto into Aquarius. Pluto in Capricorn has been about power in the government and institutions. Pluto in Aquarius shifts that focus to power to the people and humanity as a whole.
The transition of Pluto into Aquarius will take place over 20-month period:
March 23, 2023, 5:23 am, Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time. June 11, 2023, 2:35 am, Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn. January 20, 2024, 4:56 pm, Pluto re-enters Aquarius. September 1 2024, 4:57 pm, Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn. November 19 2024, 12:39 pm, Pluto re-enters Aquarius until 2043 & 2044
What I suspect is this back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius will continue to invoke a struggle between the old guard and the new paradigm. We will get glimpses over the next twenty months of what will be emerging for the next 20 years. Suffice it to say it will no doubt represent the death or letting go of traditional and rules-based systems in favor of something more outside the box and revolutionary. A seismic shift of power is on the way… from the government to the people.
While this unfolding is taking place, the background music will change every 18 months as the nodes of the moon trek retrograde (backwards) through the zodiac. The South Node reveals the shadow work that we as people must deal with together in order to evolve. The North Node shows the new direction we need to head in together. It represents humanity’s lessons that we are here to learn. It’s like a new language we are learning to speak.
Make no mistake, we still have from now until July with this important cosmic sentinel traversing the Scorpio/Taurus axis. Once we emerge from this journey in July, the nodes will shift into the Aries/Libra axis for the first time since 2014. The positioning will be a passionate, independent and spirited north node (future) in Aries and the south node (past) residing in the relational, accommodating, and partnership seeking energy of Libra. The new background music will be playing a tune that inspires more autonomy, self-determination, and courageous actions. Expect the collective concept toward our contracts, relationships, and views on fairness and justice to change. A challenging see-saw between “we” vs. “me”. This will last from July 18, 2023 until January 11, 2025.
The bridge from our current musical background to the new music will be bookended by a total solar eclipse occurring in Aries on April 20th and finishing with a second solar eclipse in Libra on October 14th. Adding to the dramatic nature of this nodal shift the path of totality for this eclipse will form an ominous diagonal across the United States. Since the earliest days of astrology, when the path of an eclipse crosses a country, it has heralded a time of major, and often cataclysmic change. The change isn’t always immediate in nature but over the course of time it becomes crystal clear.
The nodal axis, in this case the south node, is also indicative of shadows, unresolved business, and patterns that need change. With the south node moving into Libra, we must be aware of all things relational. More specifically, what issues surrounding fairness, harmony, and compromises in our relationships have drifted into the unhealthy realm of power imbalances, codependence, abuse, or trauma that are caught up in an endless loop that needs to be broken? What likely unfolds is a shift in the need to be in compliance with the prevailing public opinions in favor of a more autonomous and independent view. Group think will be challenged by independent thought. People will feel more empowered to take actions that are counter to the pattern of group first, fairness, or accommodation. Of course, relationships will remain important, but the unhealthy aspects will be summoned to change and find balance. Big picture, the people will be flexing their independence.