We are not alone. The planet it inhabited by a plethora of life forms. There are for instance some nine thousand different species of insects. This represents 80% of the world’s species. It is estimated that in any given moment there are 10 quintillion individual insects alive. This is a 200 million to one ratio of insects to humans. Then there are trees. Over 65,000 different species of trees. This translates to an estimated 3 trillion trees, or 400 trees for every human. Finally, we don’t even know how many types of animals there are in the world, let alone how many individual ones there are. But the estimates are staggering. If we just looked at chickens for instance, the estimated number is currently over 18 billion vs a currently estimated human population of over 7.8 billion. You get my point. We are surrounded by a sea of living things.
The interconnectivity of all these life forms has been mostly forgotten by modern day society. Contrast this with the indigenous people’s relationship with animals and all living things, which is one of cooperation, reverence, respect, and trust. In some native American traditions, animals are used to communicate the values and spiritual beliefs of their respective native communities. Each animal carries a history and meaning that gets passed on in their stories and teachings. They believe that animals guide us, teach us, and communicate with us, if we are open enough to listen. It is our decision whether or not we believe in their power, or whether we notice them at all. In these traditions, when a particular animal crosses your path it is a sign from the universe, carrying deep meaning and shedding light on something that needs brought to your awareness.
As a shaman, I pay close attention to the auspicious appearance of animals in my own life as well as the lives of others. These messengers, like the cadre of other spirit guides I believe accompany us on our earthly trek, provide a form of medicine that can provide guidance, lessons, protection, power, and wisdom. Further, my experience has confirmed that we can have one spirit animal guide or many. Though a primary animal guide seems to present for each of us. A key part of the process of identifying your main spirit animal is to recognize that you do not chose it, it chooses you. They can come in and out of our lives to give us guidance, teach us about ourselves, and help us maintain balance.
One important step that must be taken if you wish to connect with animal spirit guides is to spend as much time as you can in natural environments. This means disconnecting from our techno culture and reconnecting with the earth. Though I also have been a witness to an animal spirit guide presenting itself symbolically – for instance let’s say you turn on Discovery channel only to find that the show is about the migration of arctic owls. The next day someone sends you a thank you card with an arctic owl featured on its cover. This is followed by you stopping quickly at the store that afternoon only to find the item featured as you reach the check-out line is chocolate owls. Sound far-fetched? It is until it happens to you. I would tell you if this is something you experience it is highly likely that the medicine of owl is beckoning to you, whispering, wanting you to pay attention.
When such events occur, either through the actual animal crossing your path continuously over a period of time, symbolically as I have just suggested, or through a dream, know that there is message being sent to you. Take time to research and seek understanding as to what that message might be. You can do this by reading about the archetypal characteristics and behaviors the animal possesses, meditating upon the spirit animal with a clear intention of seeking deeper understanding of their serendipitous appearance in your life, or asking the spirit animal to speak to you in your dreams. You may even find that all three approaches are warranted.
In conclusion, know that spirit animals are assigned to us to provide strength, hope, love and comfort. They arrive in our lives at times when we need protection and support on our individual paths and journeys. It is all one soul; we are sharing it with them as they are sharing it with us. As you strive to find and fulfill your highest purpose, or dharma, I believe your animal spirit guides will show up right on time, to assist you with your reason for being.