In my last blog, I wrote about the conjunction of Mars, Uranus, and the North Node of the Moon. This all took place on August 1st, marking the beginning of a cycle colored by Uranian energies of change, upsets, disruptions, awakening, and enlightenment. You can read that blog post here: https://www.theclevelandshaman.com/post/revolutionary-destiny The conjunction occurred at 18’42” of Taurus for Uranus and Mars, with the North Node in close orb at 18’15”. As those planets and the north node have continued to separate during August, Uranus has reached 18’55” of Taurus where it has stationed and will turn retrograde. This is happening today, August 23, 2022. Uranus will remain retrograde until January 22, 2023.
While musing on this station of Uranus before it begins its backwards dance, I felt prompted to check the Sabian Symbol for 18’55” of Taurus. What are Sabian Symbols you ask? The short explanation is that they are the result of a collaborative meeting in 1925 between famed astrologer Marc Edmund Jones and extraordinary clairvoyant Elise Wheeler. The mission this particular day was for Elise to provide Marc with visual images of what Elise saw as they made their way through all 360 degrees of the Zodiac. This was all accomplished in a single day! And being that it was 1925, Marc literally recorded what Elise said by writing it out long-hand on 3x5 notecards. What occurred I believe can be best described by a concept Carl Jung popularized known as the “collective unconscious”. Marc believed Elise had tapped into the “ancient mind matrix” of the Sabian alchemists of ancient Mesopotamia. The complete story can be accessed here: https://sabiansymbols.com/about/the-sabian-symbols-story/ .
Fast forward to today, this moment in the stream of time, I decided to check what image Elise had envisioned for 18’55” Taurus to glean insight and texture concerning the current revolutionary trek Uranus is making through Taurus – along with the powerful aspects it is forming along the way. Why a stationary degree? The ancient astrologer Ptolemy believed stationary points/planets were very potent and viral. He said:
… the effect will be strengthened and augmented by their matutine or stationary position; but weakened and diminished by their being vespertine, or situated under the sunbeams, or by their midnight culmination
I envision stationary planets leaving an imprint, almost like plunging our hands or feet into fresh cement to be seen by those who come years after us. If Taurus 18’55” were wet cement, the message today would read “Uranus Was Here”. So, what did Elise see at the 19th degree of Taurus (you round up to the next degree with Sabian Symbols)? The message transcribed by Marc was “A New Continent is Rising Out of The Ocean”. Though for many of us, this might conjure images of the famed cities/continents of Atlantis or Lemuria I suspect the meaning is probably more allegorical in nature. Though as a disclaimer, if in fact a “new continent” were to rise out of the oceans in the next several months I wouldn’t be shocked as I have seen astrology be that “literal” at times.
Sticking with the allegorical interpretation, it seems wholly contemporaneous that Uranus would be involved. Thematically, Uranus deals in the unique, original, sudden, and new. When you combine the stationing of Uranus with the flood of powerful aspects that have been occurring since 2020, it seems in keeping that this metaphorical image would align with Uranus’ current retrograde. Something new is coming, and it seems the last few years have been merely a precursor to what that ultimately looks like.
Essentially as Uranus travels backwards across the same degrees it traversed between May 7, 2022 and August 23, 2022 the collective is being called upon to go within, experience a period of personal reflection and internal growth; this will be an inside job. The messages could appear suddenly, powerfully, all designed to create flashes of inspiration that awaken the populace to new ways of being and seeing. Uranus in Taurus brings change through disruption to all aspects of human security. These include our physical- material earning potential, psychological- self worth and values, Emotional- attachments to our stuff, Spiritual- release of the material attachments, exploring the spiritual.
As I pondered the Sabian symbol further, “A New Continent is Rising Out of The Ocean”, I felt my own inspirational break-through occur. The picture that emerged was of something that has been here all along returning to spark a new beginning, bursting with potential and promise. This rising of a new place, or way of being should instill a fresh sense of purpose and possibility. The originality of Uranus will act as a great liberator, providing the shocks required to catapult humanity into an enlightenment that is desperately needed. Such changes are never easy and in fact are more likely to be volatile and disruptive. But out of the upheavals will appear something well worth striving for…
The very ground of our existence is about to change. Things that have been hidden will be revealed. The greatest push for the evolution of humanity has begun. Keep your eyes on the ocean.