As of December 15, 2024, at the crack of dawn (or 7:30 am for those who prefer numbers over poetic flair), I'm finally ready to unveil my astrological crystal ball's take on 2025. Appropriately, the freezing rain is giving a little drum solo against my office window. With just eight days left until winter makes its grand entrance on December 21—cue the longest night and shortest day—we're waving goodbye to the rollercoaster ride that was 2024. Meanwhile, a bizarre drone invasion is buzzing around the country like a sci-fi plot twist. What kind of sorcery or melodrama this is going to brew is still anyone's guess...
So, what's the scoop for 2025, you ask? Well, judging by the title of this blog, we're about to set off on quite the adventure. But hold on to your hiking boots, because this isn't just any journey—it's more like a mountain pilgrimage! Picture a trek where you grow as a person, but not without a few bumps along the way. Scaling a mountain can be downright terrifying. Expect cliffs that make you question your life choices and moments where you'll be spinning like a compass with a bad sense of direction!
Before we dive into the cosmic soap opera of 2025, let's talk about the star-studded cast making headlines: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are strutting their stuff into new zodiac signs. The drama began when Pluto sashayed into Aquarius on November 19, 2024, where it'll be hanging out until 2043. Next up, Neptune will waltz into Aries on March 30, 2025, followed by Uranus cha-cha-cha-ing into Gemini on July 7, 2025. This celestial shuffle will send our collective consciousness on a wild ride into uncharted territory. Want all the juicy details on these planetary plot twists? Read more here:
As we enter 2025, there is much to consider. I must be raw and honest about what I believe the astrology is potentially signaling. I firmly believe in our ability to manifest goodness and bring about change in the world, yet I am certain that a fateful element is woven into the experiences we all share, by design. This crucial narrative urges us to awaken to our highest awareness and pursue our fullest potential. Accepting and embracing this quest is the key.
My primary tool for analyzing the astrology of 2025 is the chart below. This chart represents the moment we enter the new year. It serves as a world chart, not specific to any country or people. I am casting it for Washington, D.C., but if you were to cast it for another location, elements like the Sun in Capricorn would remain constant. My goal is to derive insights about our upcoming year from this moment. I confidently combine various astrological techniques and concepts to achieve this. I firmly believe there is an alchemical element to astrology. It is evolving. Just as the wheel progressed from recognizing that round things roll to sophisticated designs with specialized hubs and expertly crafted tires, astrology continues to build on the concept of our interconnectedness with the cosmos and the oft-repeated mantra of "as above, so below".
The temperament of 2025 is decidedly sanguine. In an astrological chart, temperament signifies the vibe, the inherent energy that permeates everything. Sanguine, linked to the element of air, embodies traits like sociability, communication, and adaptability; it is very mercurial in nature. It aligns with Spring, symbolizing new beginnings. This theme is reinforced by other factors in the chart, which we will delve into further. Moreover, this temperament corresponds with the Moon Phase from the new moon to the first quarter. In line with the title of this blog, "A Mountain Pilgrimage," possessing qualities such as sociability, communication, and adaptability will undoubtedly prove beneficial.
Recognizing the alchemic reference made earlier, it is significant that the Latin origin of the word sanguine comes from sangineous, meaning "of or related to blood" or "bloody". This resonates with me on multiple levels. With Pluto now in Aquarius, we have undoubtedly entered an era of group empowerment, discovering one's tribe, and acting for the greater good. What signifies a deeper connection than our blood?
On a more serious note, I also discovered references to sangineous being linked to terms such as bloodthirsty or involving much bloodshed. Synonyms of this word include butcherly, gory, sanguinary, and slaughterous. This ties into an intriguing aspect of astrology where synchronistic connections emerge, leaving one breathless. As I explored the chart further, it became evident that the potential for some destructive and violent events could unfold based on the positioning of Mars Rx. We will also discuss this.
In 2025, the chart's overall shape is noteworthy. In "The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation," Marc Edmund Jones presents a method for identifying planetary patterns based on their chart placements, developed for psychological screening. The New Year's Day chart for 2025 features a locomotive pattern, with all planets within 240 degrees, creating an empty trine distance. In this pattern, the lead planet is crucial, acting as the engine driving the train of planets. For 2025, Mercury takes the lead!
Mercury embodies communication, the exchange of ideas, connections, and all things related to information. In a world or country chart, Mercury is linked to the media, trade, telecommunications, internet, transportation, commerce, and children, reinforcing its sanguine signature. This year, these associations are set to play a significant role in our lives. As we enter the new year and prepare to inaugurate a new administration here in the United States, it is strikingly synchronistic that some of the most intensely debated topics involve trade and commerce, alongside public health, particularly focusing on the health of our children, with a further emphasis on social media.
Returning to my commitment to deliver raw and honest insights in this analysis, it's crucial to highlight that in world or mundane astrology, the sign a planet occupies reveals its nature or proclivity. Because of the nature of Mercury's orbit, it alternates between being in Sagittarius or Capricorn in a New Year's Day chart. I find this fascinating and worthy of deeper exploration. For this year's interpretation, a Sagittarius Mercury is in a mutable sign, reinforcing the theme of change evident elsewhere in the chart—events shifting rapidly and being transient by nature. The element of fire, also associated with Sagittarius, suggests a spark of invention and imagination. However, linking back to Mars Rx and several challenging aspects in this chart, one must also acknowledge the destructive elements of fire—explosions, war, violence, and conflict.
Diving deeper, I wish to explore the realm of astrology known as aspect analysis. The most familiar aspects in astrology are the Ptolemaic aspects, which include the conjunction, square, opposition, sextile, and trine. Similar to the evolution of the wheel, the use of aspects has become more intricate over time. A rare and infrequently discussed aspect pattern, the mystic rectangle, appears in the 2025 chart. A mystic rectangle consists of two oppositions, two sextiles, and two trines. It embodies the concept of fate and suggests predetermined events, important life lessons, karmic connections, and a harmonious blend of energies that can guide individuals toward realizing their potential and fulfilling their destiny. Echoes of a "mountain pilgrimage".
Let's begin with the people. In a mundane chart the people are signified by the Moon. Other meanings include women generally, the masses as a whole, the populace, and public opinion. You will find the Moon located in the 4th house of the above chart which is a very auspicious placement in that this is the house the Moon rules in the natural zodiac; making it powerfully placed. The 4th house in a world or country's chart according to Raphael (a pseudonym of nineteenth century English astrologer Robert Cross Smith (1795-1832) means:
The fourth house is the actual physical land and structures of the nation, from landforms and natural resources to buildings and human-built infrastructure. The fourth house is also weather; planets close to the fourth house cusp can influence the nation’s weather. The fourth also represents the people, as it stands opposite the tenth which is the government. It also signifies the opposition party to the government
(Raphael: Mundane Astrology – The Astrology of Nations and States)
The New Year's Day Moon holds significant qualities such as being a new moon, a visionary phase. Here, the moon is dark and unseen, representing an immersion in the collective unconscious and a focus within. It connects to the ancient collective memory, akin to the Fool card in tarot, embarking on trails unknown and embracing new ideas. This phase opens a window to the subconscious world and the collective psyche.
The Moon is also out of bounds, enhancing the visionary nature of the New Moon and its exploration of uncharted paths. A Uranian influence is present, embodying a maverick spirit that defies rules, allowing the New Moon to perceive beyond ordinary consciousness, reaching a state of super consciousness.
Additionally, the Moon is at 26:43 of Capricorn, where it is in detriment. This creates an energy that signifies discomfort and challenges in expressing itself.
The Moon's importance and prominence in the New Year's Day chart are undeniable. It plays a crucial role in one of the oppositions forming a mystic rectangle (discussed later), contributing to an underlying tension present in 2025.
Adding critical depth to a full understanding of the position the people find themselves in as 2025 begins, let's tap into the Sabian symbol for Capricorn 26:43. More on the Sabian Symbols Here:
The meaning of Capricorn 27 degrees:
KEYNOTE: The ascent of the individualized consciousness to the highest realizations reached by the spiritual leaders of its culture.
We hear a great deal now about "peak experiences," but this symbol tells us that they depend to a very great extent upon following a path that many have trod before, under the inspiration of the great Teachers and Sages of our race. The shrine is built by the unceasing dedication of perhaps generations of men. The pilgrimage is hallowed by the devotion of many, even though each person finds on their own mountaintop what to them seems a unique and transcendent revelation.
In this second stage symbol we witness the rise of the human consciousness; the preceding symbol spoke of what one may picture as the "descent" of the energies of nature which, like water, flow down toward a lower level of intensity. It is man's supreme task to rise like fire, impelled by a vision they share with their companions. The Keyword: UPREACHING.
The title of this year's astrological forecast is inspired by the Sabian symbol for this year's Moon. This description, combined with the fact that it's a new moon, out of bounds, and in detriment, intensifies the alchemy. Viewed through the lens of mundane astrology, the moon signifies the people, the masses, and the population as a whole. In the new moon phase, the people are poised to rely on their visionary instincts and tap into the collective consciousness, embracing new beginnings, hope, and possibilities.
Being out of bounds, there is a bold step into unknown territory, accompanied by a powerful energy that is maverick and revolutionary. The people are confidently taking matters into their own hands, marching to their own beat. There is a strong sense of empowerment and a rebellious drive to break the rules. Although the moon is in detriment, suggesting the people may encounter resistance in their quest. In 2025, we are coming full circle, returning to our origins—we are pilgrims once more. Transcendence and transformation are dominant themes. We are ascending a mountain with an Aquarian vision of what is possible. Can we reach the summit?
Heightening the intensity is the conjunction of our New Year's Day Moon with Pluto in Aquarius at 01:04. The Moon and Pluto conjoined in the 4th house bring themes of regeneration and transformation. This alignment can indicate a period when people assert their power, organizing to foster improvements and new structures. This theme gains further support because Pluto is now in Aquarius, emphasizing collective and revolutionary change.
And now let's pause for another "gut-check" moment. Pluto signifies the mob psychology and power of the masses. It has to do with regeneration and transformation and if in favorable aspect shows where improvements and better organization can come about. Pluto often shows where there are complications though and may indicate sociological upheavals, power struggles, terrorism or corruption.
Adding to the potential drama of Pluto's placement let's check the Sabian symbol:
KEYNOTE: The need to develop the inner security which will enable us to meet unexpected crises.
An interesting connection can be made between the symbols for Taurus 1° and 2° — "A clear mountain stream" and "An electrical storm" — and those for Aquarius 1° and 2°, two hundred and seventy degrees apart (a "waning" square, in terms of a cycle of relationship such as the lunation cycle). In the first case we deal with energies or activities that can be related to the natural development of the individual. But here we are primarily concerned with social, collective processes and the function of the individual within them. The symbol itself — "An unexpected thunderstorm" — could be given a very positive meaning in an arid environment, but the emphasis on "unexpected" tends to accent the sudden and dangerous character of the event. Such a thunderstorm in a region of dry hills can cause a devastating flood. At any rate, it refers to an event for which one is not prepared — a menace to men's works.
Seen as a second stage symbol — thus in contrast to the preceding one — this scene stresses the fact that nature may reduce to impermanence the seemingly most permanent endeavors and constructive activities of men. Under a downpour of rain, adobe brick can return to mud. All human institutions and their achievements can be washed away, even in their day of great glory. "Dust you were, dust you must become." This is NATURE'S CHALLENGE.
Why does this matter? You might remember that as 2025 starts, the Moon is in a tense opposition. This opposition stems from Mars Rx positioned in the 10th house. Let's delve into this now.
Mars is in Leo at 01:50. It also resides in the tenth house, is retrograde, out-of-bounds, and opposing the Moon, which represents the people. In the world of Mundane Astrology this is considered an affliction. One potential implication of Mars here is with rebels within the government opposing the public, with potential ties to criminal activities. Retrograde Mars brings tension, struggle, and frustration, possibly leading to military issues and public anxiety. The connection between Mars and Pluto with diseases increases the risk of disruptive outbreaks, possibly involving blood disorders or inflammatory, contagious conditions impacting the skin.
Mars Rx's opposition to the 4th house suggests potentially dangerous weather, agricultural damage, and infrastructure problems. Finally, Mars's association with aggression, war, and conflict is notable and cannot be overlooked.
In looking to various delineations that have been given historically by notable mundane astrologers, such as the previously cited Raphael, and additionally H. S. Green we find the following references:
According H.S. Green when the Moon in the 4th house is afflicted, “the people suffer or are discontented; troublesome questions arising out of affairs of the house may disturb the nation; accidents connected with mines or buildings if afflicted by Mars, Saturn, or Uranus.”
According to Raphael when the Moon is in the 4th house “it will bring into prominence the matters governed thereby. If evilly aspected it shows bad weather, shortage of crops, and much trouble in agricultural matters.
Diving into the dynamics of the second opposition in the 2025 chart, we discover the nodal axis making its grand appearance! The nodal axis is inherently an opposition, but it doesn't always grace us as one of the mystical rectangle's oppositions. Its presence here underscores the colossal tension the world is destined to confront. It illuminates the electrifying themes of karma and destiny. By bravely facing the past and setting our sights on the future, humanity receives an empowering message: we can soar to our highest potential!
The south node in the 12th house in Libra hints at our overly generous tolerance of adversaries, foreign debt, wars, and smuggling. It's time to tackle and move beyond these challenges. Hospitals, connected to the 12th house, spotlight the pressing issue of rampant health issues, urging us to ask why.
The north node in Aries beckons us to assert ourselves and actively engage with our destiny, shining a light on health, financial stability, and political security in the 6th house. This house also champions dutiful and loyal military service, steering clear of the secretive and clandestine operations linked to the 12th house.
Neptune's conjunction with the north node inspires us to forge a deeper spiritual connection, reminding us of the practical aspects of life, like our health, and their profound link to humanity's journey towards spiritual perfection and unity.
In examining the intricate dynamics of the trines and sextiles within the context of the mystic rectangle, we find a source of comfort and guidance that can help navigate the challenging landscape anticipated in 2025. This astrological configuration, often seen as a harmonious interplay of energies, serves as a beacon of support for those who are on their unique journeys, or pilgrim paths, towards enlightenment and fulfillment. The envelope aspect of the rectangle creates a protective and nurturing environment, allowing individuals to harness their visionary capabilities as they confront the trials that lie ahead.
The trials that humanity faces are not insignificant; they are deeply rooted in the actions of those who prioritize self-interest over collective well-being. The presence of bad actors and criminal enterprises, often fueled by the misguided ambitions of ego-driven leaders, poses a significant obstacle to progress. These detrimental behaviors not only hinder the advancement of society but also create a pervasive atmosphere of fear and distrust. It is imperative that we recognize the urgent need to release and dissolve these toxic influences, fostering an environment where compassion, understanding, and a sense of wholeness can flourish. This transformation is essential for humanity to collectively envision and realize a brighter future.
As individuals increasingly seek empowerment, they are also discovering pathways that lead to a transcendent vision of a better world. This quest for empowerment is not merely a personal endeavor; it is a collective movement that resonates across communities and cultures. People are becoming more aware of their potential to effect change, and this awareness is catalyzing a shift towards a more compassionate and inclusive society. The higher manifestation of Mars in the astrological chart plays a crucial role in this evolution. Mars, often associated with assertive courage and survival instincts, equips humanity with the necessary tools to confront and dismantle the shackles of the past. This assertiveness is not just about aggression; it embodies a fierce determination to break free from limiting beliefs and destructive patterns that have long held us back.
In this context, the energy of Mars empowers individuals to take bold steps towards their destinies. It encourages a proactive approach to life, urging us to embrace our inner strength and resilience as we navigate the complexities of existence. The call to action is clear: we must sever ties with outdated ideologies and practices that no longer serve our highest good. By doing so, we can move forward with greater clarity and purpose, aligning ourselves with the transformative energies that the mystic rectangle offers.
Ultimately, the journey towards a more compassionate and understanding world requires courage, vision, and a deep commitment to collective healing. As we face the challenges of 2025 and beyond, it is vital that we lean into the supportive energies of the trines and sextiles, allowing them to guide us as we work together to manifest a reality grounded in love, empathy, and unity. The path may be fraught with obstacles, but with the right mindset and the collective will to overcome, we can create a future that reflects our highest aspirations and deepest values.
Hope to see you at the top of the mountain...
Thank you so very much for both what you said at the event with Divine Harmony and for this blog that goes deeper into some of the themes your described earlier today at the 2025 forecast with Harmony. So very grateful.