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A Higher Octave

Sound is powerful stuff. It can make us wince with repulsion or draw us sweetly nearer with its enticing cadence. Sound, and other unseen forms of energy are vibrational in nature. Ultimately all matter is just vibrations of various underlying fields. If we had the ability to peer into things at an atomic level, we would see that everything is vibrating. Atoms are constantly in motion.

It is in this vibrational world we exist, where we operate, where we make our stand. In music there is a concept known as an octave. What it represents is the interval between two notes, one having twice or half the frequency of vibration of the other. When we hear this change in the frequency, we hear it as different musical notes. Depending upon how these notes are put together we will have a different reaction; happy, sad, irritated, inspired to name just a few.

Albert Einstein was convinced that “everything in life is vibration”, not just music. If we accept this theory, it also follows that our emotions and thoughts vibrate too. I am certain we have all had experiences where we have profoundly felt these vibes in our daily comings and goings. Think of that time you entered into a room or other space and were immediately enveloped by a sense of uneasiness or dread simply because of the energy that seemed to be present; no words, no signs, just a vibe. Likewise, there are times where we sense a joy or happiness that pulls us in and makes us want to linger in such a place.

As we become more attuned to the vibrational field of life, not only do we increase our perception of the unified field of consciousness, I believe we become more aware of who we truly are as a result. This field is also known as the “atman” meaning “pure consciousness,” or “self,” since the unified field constitutes the deepest reality and hence the true identity of everything in nature. This is also what I identify as a “higher octave”.

Reaching such octaves, and becoming more attuned to pure consciousness requires effort. This is not a one-time event. If we don’t have practices that aid in moving us to these higher vibrational states, lower vibrations seem to quickly creep in and fill the void. These lower vibrations are heavy, uninspiring, and often create a despairing feeling. They act as a rapidly flowing river, dragging us along for a ride to a destination not of our choosing.

What practices am I speaking of? Those that raise our vibrational state and take us to that higher octave. It begins when we awaken each morning. We need to set an intention for our day. If we don’t do this, it has been my experience that our more primal natures take over. Having an intention helps re-frame the experiences we have throughout our day. You must keep this intention in mind as you encounter the ebb and flow of the events and circumstances we all encounter.

Next, I would suggest we examine how and what we are eating each day. This is the fuel we are asking our body to operate with. We need to listen to our body it is very wise and knows what it needs. Slowing down and savoring our meals rather than rushing through them is critical. Who hasn’t eaten a plateful of food without noticing what they’re doing? Also, are we consuming quality fuel? There is a different vibrational quality between a bag of Doritos and a plate of fresh vegetables.

There is also the need for a periodic, mindful pause throughout our day. Bringing order to our common monkey mind state, “fast brain”, with an activity that brings about a “slow brain”, thus, shutting down the autopilot nature of our society. Two practices that help with this are meditation and yoga. We can also spend more time in nature where we can experience healing and calming energies of mother earth. A walk in the woods has a way of soothing the mind.

Finally, we need to move. Being sedentary has an erosive effect on the soul. Our bodies need activity. When we breathe deeply and move our blood, we invigorate ourselves on a cellular level. Activity helps us to synchronize our body, mind, and nervous system. There are any number of ways one can go about this but the purpose is creating an awakening that makes you feel more alive and able to sense and feel your own strength as well as be more in touch with the symphony of sensations that surround us all.

In conclusion, I leave you with the following thought to consider. In your mind I want you to envision a propeller. When a propeller is moving slowly the blades are visible to the naked eye. If this same propeller is spinning rapidly, the blades seem to disappear. We all know they don’t really disappear but rather it is a phenomenon being caused by a higher vibration. Humans are living in a low vibrational state, slow propellers if you will. However, this does not mean there aren’t higher vibrational energies all around us that we cannot see, because there are. I encourage you to seek these energies as they will raise your soul’s vibration to a higher octave, and it is there you will discover your “atman” or true identity.

Artwork Courtesy of JAG Artistry: For more information visit:


© 2021, Urban Shaman 

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